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Company Overview: Relativity Technologies drives down the cost and accelerates the understanding, management, modernization, and maintenance of enterprise applications. Since 1997, more than 250 leading organizations have relied on Relativity Technologies to generate more value from their portfolios of enterprise applications.
Product/Service Description: The software solution that industry leaders depend on to richly understand, better manage, more effectively modernize, and more efficiently maintain their enterprise applications is Relativity Technologies’ Modernization Workbench. The Modernization Workbench is a PC-based software solution that drives down the cost and accelerates both tactical and strategic activities for business-critical enterprise applications. Unlike point solutions and tools focused on just one area of the problem, Relativity Technologies addresses the entire application lifecycle.
Sales Contact: Peter Mollins
Sales Contact Email: [email protected]
Sales Contact Phone: 919 786 2866
OMG Member:  Yes
OMG Membership Level:  Influencting


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