Reston, VA USAOMG Technical MeetingJoin us at our next technical meeting March 17-21, 2025 for standards development, engaging discussions, networking and more. Early-bird registration expires Friday, February 14th!
Join a Community of Experts!OMG Managed CommunitiesGet involved as an individual or an organization with a community of experienced professionals who are shaping the future.
JOURNAL OF INNOVATIONShaping the Future in a Data-Centric Connected World The 26th edition comprises six articles spotlighting data, the cornerstone of modern innovation, which is driving progress across various sectors. Read Now
Jouranl of Innovation
WebinarThe Synergy of Cloud Computing & AI Join us for a webinar on February 20th, 2025!
Three Decades of Trailblazing Innovation, Collaborative Excellence, and Connected Success!
The Object Management Group® Standards Development Organization (OMG® SDO) is a global, open membership, non-profit consortium. Our members collaborate to craft technology standards that offer measurable value to a diverse range of vertical industries.
Through OMG I was able to rapidly organize a community of experts for creating desperately needed international standards for measuring software. OMG's process for creating standards is more rigorous and efficient than that of many other standards bodies. Through OMG's fasttrack, we have been able to move our most important standards to ISO.
Dr. Bill Curtis, SVP & Chief Scientist, CAST Software
DASSAULT SYSTEMES is in the business of technology and innovation . Technology standards and compliance are of utmost importance to us. We have a long history working with OMG who is the industry leader for standardization, not only to ensure compliance but also contribute to development of new standards. We have unique expertise in systems and software engineering, especially MBSE, and we want to contribute our knowledge and know-how to the community. OMG is also a place to meet the best of minds in the industry, to share and learn, and together to shape the future landscape of technology and systems engineering.
Gan Wang, Vice President, Systems Engineering Ecosystem at Dassault Systemes, INCOSE Fellow and ESEP
I have promoted OMG technologies fiercely in Australia for over 2 decades. I have seen others reinvent the wheel instead of actually bothering to read the OMG specs and realize that bright people have already thought of most that they need.
Darren Kelly, Webel IT Australia
OMG is a place where you can collaborate to create global standards to respond to the latest trends and technology needs. The organization has always considered the needs of different regions and its members provide a high level of technical insight and innovation.
Ron Zahavi
Membership in the OMG provides a number of substantial benefits. For Lockheed Martin, this goes beyond participation in the development of language and technology standards, providing opportunities for real collaboration across industry and providers that really help enable our business success and digital transformation.
Chris Schreiber, Lockheed Martin
Besides the travel opportunities, the OMG offers a unique way to interact with peers and experts in a way that is simply not possible within the typical enterprise or with vendors. The OMG offers access to others solving similar problems as well as industry thought leaders in a collaborative atmosphere. Users’ needs and perspectives then get factored into standards and products through both the formal and cultural processes.
Cory Casanave, CEO, President, Model Driven Solutions
Over the last 20 years, OMG has extended its roots from developing standards in Middleware (CORBA) to Application Design (UML) and more recently Business Process Management (BPMN), Enterprise Architecture (UPDMTM) and Case Management. This flexibility to shape standards in key technologies and industries using its strength in modeling standards is a key reason why IBM, our partners and customers are at OMG and implementing many of these standards in our products.
Sridhar Iyengar, Distinguished Engineer, TJ Watson Research Center, IBM
We see membership in OMG as a privilege, enabling our thought leaders to help define some of the most important standards applied in today's international software industry. OMG also provides the opportunity for us to work with partners competitors, customers, prospect and academics, giving us highly valuable industry knowledge and contacts, ultimately delivering real business benefits.
Hedley Apperly, PTC
I have been employed by members of the OMG for 25 years. I started as a user of OMG specifications and am currently a tool vendor focused on OMG modeling specifications. As a user, I appreciated the ability to make our voice heard in the task force discussions and influencing the modeling specifications as they were developed. It was important to me to know that the tool vendors listened to the users, so when the opportunity arose for me to switch hats, I wanted to make sure I did the same as a tool vendor representative. The collaboration of OMG members is one of the organization's strengths.
J.D. Baker, Sparx Systems
Membership of the OMG has enabled Tata Consultancy Services to establish leadership positions in creating specifications for standardizations in different consultancy business domains, including but not limited to, the domains of building consultancy methods and tools (via standards like ESSENCE™), data ontologies, cloud, banking, retail, internet of things, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, regulations, and higher education.
Sumeet Malhotra, Infinity Technology Incorporated
For three decades MITRE has found impact, insight, and value from being a Member of the OMG alongside a wide variety of industry, government, and academia. The OMG's focus on model-based interoperable standards that can enable and empower vendors and end-users with standards-based solutions is an exciting and powerful ability, shown over and over again by the standards published from OMG and their uptake and use in the market. OMG's guidance and review process brings out the best of those teams that work standards with the OMG.