
BPM Vendor Directory Listing

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OMG Members
BOC Products & Services AG- OMG Member (I)

Camunda Services GmbH- OMG Member (I)

Dassault Systemes- OMG Member (P)

International Business Machines- OMG Member (C)

MEGA International- OMG Member (D)
Model Driven Solutions- OMG Member (C)

processCentric GmbH- OMG Member (I)

PTC- OMG Member (P)

QualiWare ApS- OMG Member (I)

Softeam- OMG Member (P)
Sparx Systems- OMG Member (C)

The Software Revolution- OMG Member (P)
Tom Sawyer Software- OMG Member (I)
Trisotech- OMG Member (I)

VDMbee- OMG Member (I)

OMG Membership Level:

C - Contributing
D - Domain
P - Platform
I - Influencing
G - Government
U - University
T - Trial
A - Analyst

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