
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CustomerOrderChargePriceModifier
Physical Name : CO_MDFR_CTOLTM_CHG

The agreed line item discount / retail price modification that will be applied to this charge when it is 'sold' to the Customer.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
CustomerOrderID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the CustomerOrder. ID_ORD Identity integer CustomerOrderChargeLineItem(DO_CTOLTM_CHG)
CustomerOrderLineItemSequenceNumber (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the LineItem within the confines of the CustomerOrder. IC_OR_LTM LineNumber smallint CustomerOrderChargeLineItem(DO_CTOLTM_CHG)
PromotionalOfferID (FK) The unique identifier for a promotion. ID_PRM_OFR Identity integer PromotionalOffer(CO_PRM)
PriceModifierPercent The percentage price modification that is to be applied to the CustomerOrderCharge PE_MDFR Percent decimal(7,4)
Amount The monetary value of the price modification that is to be applied to the CustomerOrderCharge MO_MDFR MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
ReasonCode A reason code denoting why the price modification is to be applied. RC_MDFR Code2 char(2)
PreviousPrice The old price of the CustomerOrderCharge before the application of the price modifier. MO_PRC_PRV MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
NewPrice The new price of the CustomerOrderCharge after the application of the price modifier. MO_PRC_NEW MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
PromotionalInitiativeID (FK) A token ID for a retailer's PromotionInitiative instance. ID_PRML_INITV Identity integer PromotionalOffer(CO_PRM)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
PromotionalOffer is cause of CustomerOrderChargePriceModifier
CustomerOrderChargeLineItem has CustomerOrderChargePriceModifier

Logical Views containing CustomerOrderChargePriceModifier

Logical View
Logical 02315 - Retail Transaction - Customer Order
Logical 02316 - Distributed Order Management View
Logical 07610 - Customer Order - Maintenance View