Now you can see CORBA® middleware in action in various ways! Here we have some CORBA freeware, shareware and demos.
Also, if you know of a CORBA related demo, implementation, or if you've seen CORBA freeware or shareware on the web, send the URL to the Webmaster, and we'll check it out to see if it should be added to to this page!
JacORB is an object request broker written in Java, available under the LGPL. For a complete list of details, and to download, go to http://www.jacorb.org/ JacORB is also available for free download at the github site https://github.com/JacORB/JacORB.
R2CORBA is an open source CORBA implementation for the Ruby Programming Language created by Remedy IT.
The ACE ORB (TAO) is an "open source", high performance, CORBA 2.2 request broker. Originally designed for the world of real time it can provide you with defined Quality of Service as opposed to "Best Effort". TAO supports many O/Ss: most flavors of UNIX, Linux and NT, as well as real time systems such as Lynx, PSOS and VxWorks, and embedded systems like Windows CE. TAO is based on the widely used Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE) library or pattern framework. As result TAO has a very flexible architecture and thus can easily extend across platforms. Moreover as systems and networks add features to support a variety of Quality of Service parameters, it can rapidly incorporate those new techniques and strategies in order to optimize for those environments. Its small footprint, scaleable design and highly predictable performance makes it the only ORB with complete end to end determinism and the first choice for the discriminating developer.
TAO may be freely copied and commercial support for ACE/TAO is available from Object Computing Inc. at http://www.ociweb.com and Remedy IT at www.remedy.nl.
TAOX11 is a state of the art open source CORBA implementation which supports the IDL to C++11 language mapping. TAOX11 is commercially supported by Remedy IT.
omniORB is a robust, high performance CORBA 2.3 compliant ORB with C++ and Python bindings. Features include:
- IIOP™ protocol is used as the native protocol
- TypeCode, Any, DynAny, DII and DSI are supported
- A COS naming service is included
- Fully multithreaded using native thread support
- POA and BOA support
- Support for Interoperable Naming Service
- Ports to most Unixes, win NT, win 9x
- Branded as CORBA compliant by the Open Group
- Released under the GNU LGPL
IIOP.NET by ELCA (Switzerland)
IIOP.NET is an opensource product to provide seamless interoperation between .NET, and CORBA or J2EE distributed objects.
It is a remoting channel implementing the IIOP® protocol for the .NET environment, the same protocol used by Java's RMI/IIOP and all CORBA ORBs. Objects defined in a .NET application are made accessible to other remote ORBs, and vice-versa; EJBs become also accessible to .NET without any modification of the original beans.
Two tools are also included in IIOP.NET: an IDL generator to create the IDL description of the remotely accessible .NET objects, and an IDL compiler to translate IDL definitions into .NET metadata and code.
The source code is released under the LGPL on sourceforge (http://iiop-net.sourceforge.net/).
VBOrb is an Object Request Broker, written entirely in Visual Basic 5. With VBOrb you can write CORBA Visual Basic clients and servers. CORBA clients can call methods of remote objects written in any language and CORBA servers can call back methods of your local objects. For instance you can write your server in Java using a JavaORB and your client in VisualBasic using VBOrb. CORBA is an open standard in opposite of Microsoft DCOM or COM+. CORBA is specified by the OMG. VBOrb comes with an IDL to VB compiler called IDL2VB. The compiler is written in Java.
You can download VBOrb at: http://www.martin-both.de/vborb.html
The acronym MICO expands to MICO Is CORBA. The intention of this project is to provide a freely available and fully compliant implementation of the CORBA standard. MICO has become quite popular as an OpenSource project and is widely used for different purposes. Our goal is to keep MICO compliant to the latest CORBA standard. The sources of MICO are placed under the GNU-copyright notice.
The current version of MICO includes the following features amongst others:
- IDL to C++ mapping
- DII, DSI, Any, DynAny, Iface Repo, Impl Repo
- Value Type Semantics
- IIOP as native protocol (ORB prepared for multiprotocol support)
- IIOP over SSL
- Full BOA and POA implementation
- Interceptors
CORBA Services:
- Naming service
- Trading service
- Event service
- Relationship service Property service
- Time service