Issues for Gene Expression Revision Task Force

To comment on any of these issues, send email to [email protected]. (Please include the issue number in the Subject: header, thusly: [Issue ###].) To submit a new issue, send email to [email protected].

List of issues (green=resolved, yellow=pending Board vote, red=unresolved)

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Jira Issues

Issue 5486: transformed DTD should keep dimensions in content list of the BioAssayData Jira Issue GENE-1
Issue 5487: order attribute be be added for BioDataCube in model (and, hence, the DTD) Jira Issue GENE-2
Issue 5488: dimension elements be transformed to be optional Jira Issue GENE-3
Issue 5489: Changing name of Association from "featureShape" to "FeatureShape" Jira Issue GENE-4
Issue 5490: Change in the DesignElement package Jira Issue GENE-5
Issue 5491: Parent association from Organization to itself is marked Jira Issue GENE-6
Issue 5528: abstract base classes should be removed from ref entity declarations in DTD Jira Issue GENE-7
Issue 5529: Change owner association from Security to Contact from 1..1 to 0..n Jira Issue GENE-8
Issue 5530: Recommend that FeatureLocation derive from Extendable Jira Issue GENE-9
Issue 5531: Attribute to be added to Description called URI of type string and optional Jira Issue GENE-10
Issue 5532: Recommend adding StandardQuantitationType, 'Failed' of type boolean Jira Issue GENE-11
Issue 5533: Recommend changing cardinality of BioSource:sourceContacts Jira Issue GENE-12
Issue 5534: Recommend adding optional association from Compound to DatabaseEntry Jira Issue GENE-13
Issue 5535: Make association from DerivedBioAssay to BioAssayMap navigable both ways Jira Issue GENE-14
Issue 5550: Allowing a person to belong to only one organization is too restrictive. Jira Issue GENE-15
Issue 5551: QuantitationType issue Jira Issue GENE-16
Issue 5552: association from FeatureExtraction to QuantitationTypeMapping needed Jira Issue GENE-17
Issue 5553: It should be possible to assign default values to parameters Jira Issue GENE-18
Issue 5554: Need a way to model features that are associated with a BioMaterial Jira Issue GENE-19
Issue 5555: ExperimentFactor needs an OntologyEntry association Jira Issue GENE-20
Issue 5556: Specifying a FactorValue needs to be more flexible Jira Issue GENE-21
Issue 5557: Instances of OntologyEntries need a way to be further qualified Jira Issue GENE-22
Issue 5558: Database role to be associated with person/organization Jira Issue GENE-23
Issue 5559: Attribute to be added to describe its type Jira Issue GENE-24
Issue 5560: For interoperability, need a rule for formatting numbers Jira Issue GENE-25
Issue 5561: group BioSequences that share the same type, PolymerType, and Species infor Jira Issue GENE-26
Issue 5927: Clarify and expand the documentation for the MAGE-OM model Jira Issue GENE11-1
Issue 5928: association ExperimentDesign Jira Issue GENE11-2
Issue 5929: Features should be able to know what their Reporter is Jira Issue GENE11-3
Issue 5930: rule in the ExperimentDesign package Jira Issue GENE11-4
Issue 5931: BibliographicReference Jira Issue GENE11-5
Issue 5932: MerckIndex association between Compound and OntologyEntry Jira Issue GENE11-6
Issue 5933: Type association between BioSample and OntologyEntry Jira Issue GENE11-7

Issue 5486: transformed DTD should keep dimensions in content list of the BioAssayData (gene-expression-ftf)

Click here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Recommend that the transformed DTD should keep dimensions in the content  list of the  BioAssayData element instead of moving them to the BioDataCube and  BioDataTuples   content lists.  This simplifies considerable the difference between the PIM  and XML-DTD PSM.      Requires modification of the following files:  MAGE-ML.dtd  (by modifying the generating code:  generate_dtd\  Section 4.1.4, Transforming BioDataValues of the submission

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to the Specification: Section 3.1.4, Transforming BioDataValues of the submission Changes to section Currently: "The code to produce this transformation takes the list of CreateFiles generated by the parsing of the XML. 1. It searches for the representations of the original classes involved in the transformation, BioAssayData, BioDataCube, BioDataTuples, and BioAssayDatum. BioAssayDatum is removed from the CreateFile list. 2. The association to the three dimension classes and the cube are removed from BioAssayData. 3. The CreateFiles to represent the DataInternal and DataExternal elements are created and their attributes are added. DataInternal also has #PCDATA added for its content list for the white-space delimited data. 4. BioDataCube has the Dimension associations 1..1 added with a rank of -1 specified. The -1 will be interpreted by the generating code to produce all the possible orderings of the Dimensions as the first part of the content list of the BioDataCube after the base class content. Associations 1..1 to DataInternal and DataExternal are both added with a rank of 2 which will cause the generating code to add them as a Choice group to the content list after the Dimensions. 5. The tag-delimited form of the data representation, BioAssayTuples, now is transformed. Associations 0..1 to the three Dimensions are added to BioAssayTuples, in order of ranking, BioAssayDimension, the DesignElementDimension and the QuantitationTypeDimension. The association to BioAssayDatum is removed. 6. The CreateFile to represent the Datum element is created with a value attribute. 7. The CreateFile to represent the QuantitationTypeTuple is created with an association 1..1 to Datum and the association 1..1 to QuantitationType from the BioAssayDatum. 8. The CreateFile to represent the DesignElementTuple is created with an association 1..n to QuantitationTypeTuple and the association to DesignElement from the BioAssayDatum. 9. The CreateFile to represent the BioAssayTuple is created with an association 1..n to DesignElementTuple and the association 1..1 to BioAssay from the BioAssayDatum. 10. An association 1..n to BioAssayTuple is added to BioAssayTuples. 11. Lastly, the new CreateFiles are added to the list of CreateFiles." Becomes: "The code to produce this transformation takes the list of CreateFiles generated by the parsing of the XML. 1. It searches for the representations of the original classes involved in the transformation, BioAssayData, BioDataCube, BioDataTuples, and BioAssayDatum. BioAssayDatum is removed from the CreateFile list. 2. The CreateFiles to represent the DataInternal and DataExternal elements are created and their attributes are added. DataInternal also has #PCDATA added for its content list for the white-space delimited data. 3. BioDataCube has the associations 1..1 to DataInternal and DataExternal added with a rank of 2 which will cause the generating code to add them as a Choice group to the content list. 4. The tag-delimited form of the data representation, BioAssayTuples, now is transformed. The association to BioAssayDatum is removed. 5. The CreateFile to represent the Datum element is created with a value attribute. 6. The CreateFile to represent the QuantitationTypeTuple is created with an association 1..1 to Datum and the association 1..1 to QuantitationType from the BioAssayDatum. 7. The CreateFile to represent the DesignElementTuple is created with an association 1..n to QuantitationTypeTuple and the association to DesignElement from the BioAssayDatum. 8. The CreateFile to represent the BioAssayTuple is created with an association 1..n to DesignElementTuple and the association 1..1 to BioAssay from the BioAssayDatum. 9. An association 1..n to BioAssayTuple is added to BioAssayTuples. 10. Lastly, the new CreateFiles are added to the list of CreateFiles." Changes to Section Currently: "<!ELEMENT BioDataCube ((%BioDataValues_content;), ((BioAssayDimension_assnref, ((DesignElementDimension_assnref, QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref) | (QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref, DesignElementDimension_assnref))) | (DesignElementDimension_assnref, ((QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref, BioAssayDimension_assnref) | (BioAssayDimension_assnref, QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref))) | (QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref, ((BioAssayDimension_assnref, DesignElementDimension_assnref) | (DesignElementDimension_assnref, BioAssayDimension_assnref)))), (DataInternal_assn | DataExternal_assn)) > <!ATTLIST BioDataCube %BioDataValues_attrs; > <!ELEMENT DataExternal_assn (DataExternal) > <!ELEMENT DataExternal EMPTY > <!ATTLIST DataExternal dataFormat CDATA "whitespace" dataFormatInfoURI CDATA #IMPLIED filenameURI CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT DataInternal_assn (DataInternal) > <!ELEMENT DataInternal (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT BioDataTuples ((%BioDataValues_content;), BioAssayDimension_assnref?, DesignElementDimension_assnref?, QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref?, BioAssayTuples_assnlist?) > <!ATTLIST BioDataTuples %BioDataValues_attrs; > <!ELEMENT BioAssayTuples_assnlist (BioAssayTuple+) > <!ELEMENT BioAssayTuple (BioAssay_assnref, DesignElementTuples_assnlist) > <!ELEMENT DesignElementTuples_assnlist (DesignElementTuple+) > <!ELEMENT DesignElementTuple (DesignElement_assnref, QuantitationTypeTuples_assnlist) > <!ELEMENT QuantitationTypeTuples_assnlist (QuantitationTypeTuple+) > <!ELEMENT QuantitationTypeTuple (QuantitationType_assnref, Datum_assn) > <!ELEMENT Datum_assn (Datum) > <!ELEMENT Datum EMPTY > <!ATTLIST Datum value CDATA #REQUIRED >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT BioDataCube ((%BioDataValues_content;), (DataInternal_assn | DataExternal_assn)) > <!ATTLIST BioDataCube %BioDataValues_attrs; > <!ELEMENT DataExternal_assn (DataExternal) > <!ELEMENT DataExternal EMPTY > <!ATTLIST DataExternal dataFormat CDATA "whitespace" dataFormatInfoURI CDATA #IMPLIED filenameURI CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT DataInternal_assn (DataInternal) > <!ELEMENT DataInternal (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT BioDataTuples ((%BioDataValues_content;), BioAssayTuples_assnlist?) > <!ATTLIST BioDataTuples %BioDataValues_attrs; > <!ELEMENT BioAssayTuples_assnlist (BioAssayTuple+) > <!ELEMENT BioAssayTuple (BioAssay_assnref, DesignElementTuples_assnlist) > <!ELEMENT DesignElementTuples_assnlist (DesignElementTuple+) > <!ELEMENT DesignElementTuple (DesignElement_assnref, QuantitationTypeTuples_assnlist) > <!ELEMENT QuantitationTypeTuples_assnlist (QuantitationTypeTuple+) > <!ELEMENT QuantitationTypeTuple (QuantitationType_assnref, Datum_assn) > <!ELEMENT Datum_assn (Datum) > <!ELEMENT Datum EMPTY > <!ATTLIST Datum value CDATA #REQUIRED >" MAGE-ML.dtd (by modifying the generating code: generate_dtd\ Currently: "<!ENTITY % BioAssayData_content "(%Identifiable_content;), SummaryStatistics_assnlist?, BioDataValues_assn?" >" Becomes: "<!ENTITY % BioAssayData_content "(%Identifiable_content;), SummaryStatistics_assnlist?, BioAssayDimension_assnref, DesignElementDimension_assnref, QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref, BioDataValues_assn?" >" Currently: "<!ELEMENT BioDataCube ((%BioDataValues_content;), ((BioAssayDimension_assnref, ((DesignElementDimension_assnref, QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref) | (QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref, DesignElementDimension_assnref))) | (DesignElementDimension_assnref, ((QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref, BioAssayDimension_assnref) | (BioAssayDimension_assnref, QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref))) | (QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref, ((BioAssayDimension_assnref, DesignElementDimension_assnref) | (DesignElementDimension_assnref, BioAssayDimension_assnref)))), (DataInternal_assn | DataExternal_assn)) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT BioDataCube ((%BioDataValues_content;), (DataInternal_assn | DataExternal_assn)) >" Currently: "<!ELEMENT BioDataTuples ((%BioDataValues_content;), BioAssayDimension_assnref?, DesignElementDimension_assnref?, QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref?, BioAssayTuples_assnlist?) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT BioDataTuples ((%BioDataValues_content;), BioAssayTuples_assnlist?) >"
Actions taken:
July 14, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

The transformed DTD should keep dimensions in the content list of the BioAssayData element instead of moving them to the BioDataCube and BioDataTuples content lists. This simplifies considerable the difference between the PIM and XML-DTD PSM.  

Issue 5487: order attribute be be added for BioDataCube in model (and, hence, the DTD) (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Recommend that, in additional to MAGE Issue 11, an order attribute be added  for   BioDataCube in the model (and, hence, the DTD).  This will specify the order  of   the dimensions in the accompanying data specified by either the DataInternal  or  DataExternal element.  In addition, the rule specifying "the first dimension  matches   order of BioAssayDimension, second, the DesignElementDimension and the  third, the   QuantitationDimension" can be removed.  Attribute to add: BioDataCube.order  type: enum {BDQ | BQD | DBQ | DQB | QBD | QDB}  default: 'BDQ'      The following will be effected by this change:  The model and MAGE.xmi file.  The DTD  Section 3.1.12, "BioAssayData" of the submission      (MAGE Issue 25)  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to the specification: Section 2.1.12, "BioAssayData": Figure 2.13 will be updated The BioAssayCube documentation will add to its Associations section after the documentation of its cube attribute: \border\b : Order (default: \iBDQ\i) enumeration {\iBDQ\i | \iBQD\i | \iDBQ\i | \iDQB\i | \iQBD\i | \iQDB\i} The order to expect the dimension. The enumeration uses the first letter of the three dimensions to represent the six possible orderings. (where \b...\b indicates bold and \i...\i indicates italics) Changes to Section The ATTLIST declaration for BioDataCube is replaced. Currently: "<!ATTLIST BioDataCube %BioDataValues_attrs; >" Becomes: "<!ATTLIST BioDataCube %BioDataValues_attrs; order (BDQ|BQD| DBQ| DQB| QBD| QDB) "BDQ" >" The model and MAGE.xmi file is modified to add the order attribute to BioDataCube. The MAGE-ML.dtd: Modify the Element and Attlist declarations for BioDataCube Currently: " Attributes Inherites attributes from base class BioDataValues." Becomes: " Attributes Inherites attributes from base class BioDataValues. order: The order to expect the dimension. The enumeration uses the first letter of the three dimensions to represent the six possible orderings." Currently: "<!ATTLIST BioDataCube %BioDataValues_attrs; >" Becomes: "<!ATTLIST BioDataCube %BioDataValues_attrs; order (BDQ| BQD| DBQ| DQB| QBD| QDB) "BDQ" >"
Actions taken:
July 14, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

This will specify the order of the dimensions in the accompanying data specified by either the DataInternal or DataExternal element. In addition, the rule specifying "the first dimension matches order of BioAssayDimension, second, the DesignElementDimension and the third, the QuantitationDimension" can be removed

Issue 5488: dimension elements be transformed to be optional (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Recommend that, in additional to MAGE Issue 11, the dimension elements be  transformed  to be optional, since the transformation of BioDataTuples makes specifying  the   dimensions redundant.      The following will be effected by this change:  The DTD  (by modifying the generating code:  generate_dtd\,  generate_classes\  Section 4.1.4, "Transforming BioDataValues" of the submission  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to Section of the specification: An additional rule is added between the current rules 1 and 2: "2: The dimension associations of BioAssayData are transformed to have cardinalities 0..1 from 1..1" The DTD (by modifying the generating code: generate_dtd\, generate_classes\ Currently: "<!ENTITY % BioAssayData_content "(%Identifiable_content;), SummaryStatistics_assnlist?, BioAssayDimension_assnref, DesignElementDimension_assnref, QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref, BioDataValues_assn?" >" Becomes: "<!ENTITY % BioAssayData_content "(%Identifiable_content;), SummaryStatistics_assnlist?, BioAssayDimension_assnref?, DesignElementDimension_assnref?, QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref?, BioDataValues_assn?" >"
Actions taken:
July 23, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

In additional to Issue #5486, the dimension elements be transformed to be optional, since the transformation of BioDataTuples makes specifying the dimensions redundant.  

Issue 5489: Changing name of Association from "featureShape" to "FeatureShape" (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Recommend changing name of Association from "featureShape" to "FeatureShape"  to be consistent   with naming convention of initial capitals for Association names.      Only effects the Model and the generated MAGE.xmi file:  MAGE-OM::ArrayDesign::featureShape{3B72C550029B}    [Association]  to  MAGE-OM::ArrayDesign::FeatureShape{3B72C550029B}    [Association]  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to specification: Figure 2-7 is updated Changes the Model and the generated MAGE.xmi file by renaming the association
Actions taken:
July 14, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Change name of Association from "featureShape" to "FeatureShape"    to be consistent with naming convention of initial capitals for Association     names.  

Issue 5490: Change in the DesignElement package (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Recommend to change, in the DesignElement package, the cardinality of the  Position end   of the DistanceUnit association between Position and DistanceUnit from 0..n  to 1..1 since   0..n and COMPOSITE are inconsistent with each other for an end role.  (that is, since the DistanceUnit is a composite aggregation it must belong  to one and   only one Position)      Only effects the Model and the generated MAGE.xmi file:  <Foundation.Data_Types.MultiplicityRange.lower>0</Foundation.Data_Types.Mult  iplicityRange.lower>  <Foundation.Data_Types.MultiplicityRange.upper>-1</Foundation.Data_Types.Mul  tiplicityRange.upper>  to  <Foundation.Data_Types.MultiplicityRange.lower>1</Foundation.Data_Types.Mult  iplicityRange.lower>  <Foundation.Data_Types.MultiplicityRange.upper>1</Foundation.Data_Types.Mult  iplicityRange.upper>  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to specification: Figure 2-7 is updated Changes effects the Model and the generated MAGE.xmi file by modifying the DistanceUnit association..
Actions taken:
July 14, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Recommend to change, in the DesignElement package, the cardinality of the Position end of the DistanceUnit association between Position and DistanceUnit from 0..n to 1..1 since 0..n and COMPOSITE are inconsistent with each other for an end role. (that is, since the DistanceUnit is a composite aggregation it must belong to one and only one Position)  

Issue 5491: Parent association from Organization to itself is marked (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
The Parent association from Organization to itself is wrongly marked as  composite  on the unnamed end.  Recommend, in AuditAndSecurity Package, that the Parent  Association be   modified by changing the unnamed end (representing child organization) to be  a non-composite   aggregation and to change its cardinality from unknown to 0..n.  Otherwise,  because of the   constraint in the dtd, the Parent is owned by the Child and can, wrongly,  only belong to one   Child.      Requires modification of the following files:  MAGE-ML.dtd  The Model and the generated MAGE.xmi file  <Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.aggregation xmi.value = "composite"/>  to  <Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.aggregation xmi.value = "none"/>  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to the specification: Update Figure 2-3 Changes the Model and the generated MAGE.xmi file to update the Parent Association. Changes to MAGE-ML.dtd: Currently: "<!ELEMENT Parent_assn (Organization) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT Parent_assnref (Organization_ref) >" Currently: "<!ELEMENT Organization ((%Contact_content;), Parent_assn?) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT Organization ((%Contact_content;), Parent_assnref?) >"
Actions taken:
July 14, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

The Parent association from Organization to itself is wrongly marked as composite on the unnamed end. Recommend, in AuditAndSecurity Package, that the Parent Association be modified by changing the unnamed end (representing child organization) to be a non-composite aggregation and to change its cardinality from unknown to 0..n. Otherwise, because of the constraint in the dtd, the Parent is owned by the Child and can, wrongly, only belong to one Child.  

Issue 5528: abstract base classes should be removed from ref entity declarations in DTD (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
The DTD currently is generated with the rule that the *_ref entity   includes abstract class refs.  Since these can't be instantiated,   implementations break when trying to figure out which class  to map to.  This is because the identifier concept allows using  the identifier to be an alternative key in the case that the   identifier isn't immediately resolvable.  But without knowing the  actually base class, this won't work.  This is a particular  problem for use in disconnected inhouse high through-put pipelines.      Recommend that the abstract base classes be removed from the ref  entity declarations in the DTD.      Resolution of the issue would change:  MAGE-ML.dtd  (through a change to WriteDTDClassElement)  Section 4.1.2, "Mapping from MAGE-OM to MAGE-ML"  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to the specification: Section, "Entity Declarations" Currently: 1st paragraph, 2nd sentence "One, for those roles this base class is the end class, the *_class or *_ref (where * is replaced by the base class name) entity is used and is a choice group of all the instantiable classes of this base class for *_class and all classes for the *_ref." Becomes: "One, for those roles this base class is the end class, the *_class or *_ref (where * is replaced by the base class name) entity is used and is a choice group of all the instantiable classes of this base class for *_class and for the *_ref." Entity ref example Currently: <!ENTITY % BioAssay_ref "BioAssay_ref | PhysicalBioAssay_ref | DerivedBioAssay_ref | MeasuredBioAssay_ref" > Becomes: <!ENTITY % BioAssay_ref "PhysicalBioAssay_ref | DerivedBioAssay_ref | MeasuredBioAssay_ref" > MAGE-ML.dtd (through a change to WriteDTDClassElement) Currently: "<!ENTITY % QuantitationType_ref "QuantitationType_ref | SpecializedQuantitationType_ref |" Becomes: "<!ENTITY % QuantitationType_ref "SpecializedQuantitationType_ref |" Currently: "<!ENTITY % ConfidenceIndicator_ref "ConfidenceIndicator_ref | Error_ref |" Becomes: "<!ENTITY % ConfidenceIndicator_ref "Error_ref |" Currently: "<!ENTITY % Contact_ref "Contact_ref | Person_ref |" Becomes: "<!ENTITY % Contact_ref "Person_ref |" Currently: "<!ENTITY % BioMaterial_ref "BioMaterial_ref | BioSource_ref |" Becomes: "<!ENTITY % BioMaterial_ref "BioSource_ref |" Currently: "<!ENTITY % BioAssay_ref "BioAssay_ref | PhysicalBioAssay_ref |" Becomes: "<!ENTITY % BioAssay_ref "PhysicalBioAssay_ref |" Currently: "<!ENTITY % BioAssayData_ref "BioAssayData_ref | DerivedBioAssayData_ref |" Becomes: "<!ENTITY % BioAssayData_ref "DerivedBioAssayData_ref |" Currently: "<!ENTITY % DesignElementDimension_ref "DesignElementDimension_ref | CompositeSequenceDimension_ref |" Becomes: "<!ENTITY % DesignElementDimension_ref "CompositeSequenceDimension_ref |" Currently: "<!ENTITY % DesignElementMap_ref "DesignElementMap_ref | CompositeCompositeMap_ref |" Becomes: "<!ENTITY % DesignElementMap_ref "CompositeCompositeMap_ref |" Currently: "<!ENTITY % DesignElement_ref "DesignElement_ref | Reporter_ref |" Becomes: "<!ENTITY % DesignElement_ref "Reporter_ref |"
Actions taken:
July 20, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

This fixes the problem that, since they can't be instantiated, if the concrete subclass isn't known yet, a placeholder can't be created to map to.  

Issue 5529: Change owner association from Security to Contact from 1..1 to 0..n (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Recommend that the owner association from Security to Contact be   changed from 1..1 to be 0..n.  It was brought up that there may be many  contacts with permission to change Security and, separately, that  there may be no ownership concept.      Resolution of the issue would change:  MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi  MAGE-ML.dtd  Section 3.1.3, "Description" of the documentation  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Section 2.1.2, "AuditAndSecurity" of the documentation Figure 2-3 will be updated In the documentation for Security the first Association is changed. Currently: "\bowner\b : Contact (1..1)" Becomes: "\bowner\b : Contact (0..n)" (where \b...\b indicates bold) MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated for the Owner association MAGE-ML.dtd Currently: "<!ELEMENT Owner_assnref ((%Contact_ref;)) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT Owner_assnreflist ((%Contact_ref;)+) >" Currently: "<!ELEMENT Security ((%Identifiable_content;), Owner_assnref, ReadGroups_assnreflist?, WriteGroups_assnreflist?) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT Security ((%Identifiable_content;), Owner_assnreflist?, ReadGroups_assnreflist?, WriteGroups_assnreflist?) >"
Actions taken:
July 20, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

This will allow both no owner and shared ownership

Issue 5530: Recommend that FeatureLocation derive from Extendable (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Recommend that FeatureLocation derive from Extendable.  It was an   oversight that this was not done in the first palce      Resolution of the issue would change:  MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi  MAGE-ML.dtd  Section 3.1.7, "DesignElement" of the documentation  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Section 2.1.7, "DesignElement" of the documentation For the documentation of FeatureLocation. Currently: "FeatureLocation Specifies where a feature is located relative to a grid." Becomes: "FeatureLocation Specifies where a feature is located relative to a grid. Derived from Extendable" MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated to derive FeatureLocation from Extendable. MAGE-ML.dtd Currently: "<!-- Element and Attlist declarations for FeatureLocation Specifies where a feature is located relative to a grid. Attributes row: row position in the Zone column: column position in the Zone. --> <!ELEMENT FeatureLocation_assn (FeatureLocation) > <!ELEMENT FeatureLocation EMPTY > <!ATTLIST FeatureLocation row CDATA #REQUIRED column CDATA #REQUIRED >" Becomes: "<!-- Element and Attlist declarations for FeatureLocation Specifies where a feature is located relative to a grid. Associations Inherites associations from base class Extendable. Attributes Inherites attributes from base class Extendable. row: row position in the Zone column: column position in the Zone. --> <!ELEMENT FeatureLocation_assn (FeatureLocation) > <!ELEMENT FeatureLocation ((%Extendable_content;)) > <!ATTLIST FeatureLocation %Extendable_attrs; row CDATA #REQUIRED column CDATA #REQUIRED >"
Actions taken:
July 20, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

It was an oversight that this was not done in the first place

Issue 5531: Attribute to be added to Description called URI of type string and optional (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Recommend that an atribute be added to Description called URI of  type string and optional.  This will allow a description to reference   an external MIME type      Resolution of the issue would change:  MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi  MAGE-ML.dtd  Section 3.1.3, "Description" of the documentation

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Section 2.1.3, "Description" of the documentation Figure 2-4 will be updated (see Description.png) The documentation for Description will add the URI attribute description. Currently: " Attributes: \btext\b : String (optional) The description." Becomes: " Attributes: \btext\b : String (optional) The description. \bURI\b : String (optional) A reference to the location and type of an outside resource." (where \b...\b indicates bold) MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated to add the URI attribute to Description MAGE-ML.dtd Comment for Description is modified Currently: " Attributes Inherites attributes from base class Describable. text: The description." Becomes: " Attributes Inherites attributes from base class Describable. text: The description. URI: A reference to the location and type of an outside resource." Declaration for the attribute list of Description is modified Currently: "<!ATTLIST Description %Describable_attrs; text CDATA #IMPLIED >" Becomes: "<!ATTLIST Description %Describable_attrs; text CDATA #IMPLIED URI CDATA #IMPLIED >"
Actions taken:
July 20, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

This will allow a description to reference an external MIME type  

Issue 5532: Recommend adding StandardQuantitationType, 'Failed' of type boolean (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Recommend adding StandardQuantitationType, 'Failed' of type boolean,   to represent overall failure      Resolution of the issue would change:  MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi  MAGE-ML.dtd  3.1.17, "QuantitationType" of the documentation  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: 2.1.17, "QuantitationType" of the documentation Figure 2-20 will be updated (see QuantitationType.png) Add documentation section for Failed after documentation for Ratio Currently: does not exist Becomes: " Failed Values associated with this QuantitationType indicate a failure of some kind for a particular DesignElement for a BioAssay. Of type boolean. Derived from StandardQuantitationType" MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated to add the new class named Failed MAGE-ML.dtd Currently: "<!ENTITY % QuantitationType_classes "SpecializedQuantitationType | DerivedSignal | MeasuredSignal | Error | PValue | ExpectedValue | Ratio | PresentAbsent" > <!ENTITY % QuantitationType_ref "QuantitationType_ref | SpecializedQuantitationType_ref | DerivedSignal_ref | MeasuredSignal_ref | Error_ref | PValue_ref | ExpectedValue_ref | Ratio_ref | PresentAbsent_ref" >" Becomes: "<!ENTITY % QuantitationType_classes "SpecializedQuantitationType | DerivedSignal | MeasuredSignal | Error | PValue | ExpectedValue | Ratio | PresentAbsent | Failed" > <!ENTITY % QuantitationType_ref "QuantitationType_ref | SpecializedQuantitationType_ref | DerivedSignal_ref | MeasuredSignal_ref | Error_ref | PValue_ref | ExpectedValue_ref | Ratio_ref | PresentAbsent_ref | Failed_ref" >" Currently: Declaration for Failed doesn't exist Becomes: "<!-- Element and Attlist declarations for Failed Values associated with this QuantitationType indicate a failure of some kind for a particular DesignElement for a BioAssay. Of type boolean. Associations Inherites associations from base class StandardQuantitationType. Attributes Inherites attributes from base class StandardQuantitationType. --> <!ELEMENT Failed_ref EMPTY > <!ATTLIST Failed_ref identifier CDATA #REQUIRED name CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT Failed ((%StandardQuantitationType_content;)) > <!ATTLIST Failed %StandardQuantitationType_attrs; >"
Actions taken:
July 20, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

This will allow a standard way to mark a feature has having failed to be extracted successfully by feature extraction

Issue 5533: Recommend changing cardinality of BioSource:sourceContacts (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Recommend changing cardinality of BioSource:sourceContacts from  0..1 to 0..N to allow multiple contacts for a BioSource.      Resolution of the issue would change:  MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi  MAGE-ML.dtd  3.1.10, "BioMaterial" of the documentation  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: 2.1.10, "BioMaterial" of the documentation Figure 2-11 will be updated The documentation for BioSource will be updated. Currently: "\bsourceContact\b : Contact (0..1)" Becomes: "\bsourceContact\b : Contact (0..n)" MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated to modify the SourceContact association MAGE-ML.dtd Currently: "<!ELEMENT SourceContact_assnref ((%Contact_ref;)) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT SourceContact_assnreflist ((%Contact_ref;)+) >" Currently: "<!ELEMENT BioSource ((%BioMaterial_content;), SourceContact_assnref?) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT BioSource ((%BioMaterial_content;), SourceContact_assnreflist?) >"
Actions taken:
July 24, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Changing cardinality of BioSource:sourceContacts from 0..1 to 0..N will allow multiple contacts for a BioSource

Issue 5534: Recommend adding optional association from Compound to DatabaseEntry (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Recommend adding optional association from Compound to DatabaseEntry   called 'ExternalLIMS' to reference an external LIMS system entry.      Resolution of the issue would change:  MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi  MAGE-ML.dtd  3.1.10, "BioMaterial" of the documentation  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: 2.1.10, "BioMaterial" of the documentation Figure 2-11 will be updated Documentation for Compound will add a description of the new association. Currently: " Associations: \bmerckIndex\b : OntologyEntry (0..1) The Merck Index of this Compound. \bcomponentCompounds\b : CompoundMeasurement (0..n) The Compounds and their amounts used to create this Compound." Becomes: " Associations: \bmerckIndex\b : OntologyEntry (0..1) The Merck Index of this Compound. \bcomponentCompounds\b : CompoundMeasurement (0..n) The Compounds and their amounts used to create this Compound. \bexternalLIMS\b : DatabaseEntry (0..1) Reference to an entry in an external LIMS data source." (where \b...\b indicates bold) MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated, adding the new ExternalLIMS association. MAGE-ML.dtd Comment for Compound is updated Currently: " Associations Inherites associations from base class Identifiable. merckIndex: The Merck Index of this Compound. componentCompounds: The Compounds and their amounts used to create this Compound." Becomes: " Associations Inherites associations from base class Identifiable. merckIndex: The Merck Index of this Compound. componentCompounds: The Compounds and their amounts used to create this Compound. externalLIMS: Reference to an entry in an external LIMS data source." Element declaration for Compound is updated Currently: "<!ELEMENT Compound ((%Identifiable_content;), MerckIndex_assn?, ComponentCompounds_assnlist?) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT Compound ((%Identifiable_content;), MerckIndex_assn?, ComponentCompounds_assnlist?, ExternalLIMS_assn?) >"
Actions taken:
July 20, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Adding optional association from Compound to DatabaseEntry called 'ExternalLIMS' will allow referencing an external LIMS system entry.  

Issue 5535: Make association from DerivedBioAssay to BioAssayMap navigable both ways (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Recommend making association from DerivedBioAssay to BioAssayMap   navigable both ways.  It currently is only navigable from BioAssayMap  to DerivedBioAssay.  This will make it easier to find what BioAssays  were used to producea BioAssay.  The association end should be named  derivedBioAssayMap      Resolution of the issue would change:  MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi  MAGE-ML.dtd  3.1.12, "BioAssayData" of the documentation

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: 2.1.11, "BioAssay" of the documentation Update Figure 2-12 Update documentation for DerivedBioAssay, add description of new association. Currently: "\bderivedBioAssayData\b : DerivedBioAssayData (0..n) The data associated with the DerivedBioAssay." Becomes: "\bderivedBioAssayData\b : DerivedBioAssayData (0..n) The data associated with the DerivedBioAssay. \bderivedBioAssayMap\b : BioAssayMap (0..n) The DerivedBioAssay that is produced by the sources of the BioAssayMap." (where \b...\b indicates bold) 2.1.12, "BioAssayData" of the documentation Update Figure 2-14 MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated, changing the Target association between DerivedBioAssay and BioAssayMap. The comment for DerivedBioAssay is updated Currently: " derivedBioAssayData: The data associated with the DerivedBioAssay." Becomes: " derivedBioAssayData: The data associated with the DerivedBioAssay. derivedBioAssayMap: The DerivedBioAssay that is produced by the sources of the BioAssayMap." The Element declaration for DerivedBioAssay is updated Currently: "<!ELEMENT DerivedBioAssay ((%BioAssay_content;), Type_assn?, DerivedBioAssayData_assnreflist?) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT DerivedBioAssay ((%BioAssay_content;), Type_assn?, DerivedBioAssayData_assnreflist?, DerivedBioAssayMap_assnreflist?) >" Element and Attlist declarations for BioAssayMap is updated Currently: <!ELEMENT BioAssayMaps_assnreflist (BioAssayMap_ref+) > Becomes: <!ELEMENT BioAssayMaps_assnreflist (BioAssayMap_ref+) > <!ELEMENT DerivedBioAssayMap_assnreflist (BioAssayMap_ref+) >
Actions taken:
July 20, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

This will make it easier to find what BioAssays were used to produce a BioAssay. The association end should be named derivedBioAssayMap  

Issue 5550: Allowing a person to belong to only one organization is too restrictive. (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Allowing a person to belong to only one organization is too restrictive.      Request from John Yost, NCI, that the affiliation association between   Person and Organization be changed so that the Organization end is   changed from 0..1 to 0..n.    

Resolution: No action taken
Revised Text:
Actions taken:
July 29, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Request from John Yost, NCI, that the affiliation association between Person and Organization be changed so that the Organization end is changed from 0..1 to 0..n.    Not clear if any benefit in the scope of the specification is gained by this. Version two may will reconsider this, there have also been many other small, but important issues (database roles, security groups, etc.) raised about this package that make the delay worthwhile to give a thorough redoing consideration.  

Issue 5551: QuantitationType issue (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Allowing a QuantitationType to know how it was derived   would make navigation easier.      Request from Ugis Sarkans, EBI, that the Target association be   navigable from QuantitationType to QuantitationTypeMap.  The   association end would be named quantitationTypeMaps.      (MAGE ISSUE 108)  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to the Specification: Section 2.1.12, BioAssayData Replace Figure 2-14 Section 2.1.17, QuantitationType Add to the QuantitationType Association documentation: Currently: " \bconfidenceIndicators\b : ConfidenceIndicator (0..3) The association between a ConfidenceIndicator and the QuantitationType its is an indicator for." Becomes: " \bconfidenceIndicators\b : ConfidenceIndicator (0..3) The association between a ConfidenceIndicator and the QuantitationType its is an indicator for. \bquantitationTypeMaps\b : QuantitationTypeMap (0..n) The QuantitationType whose value will be produced from the values of the source QuantitationType according to the Protocol." (where \b...\b represents boldface) Replace Figure 2-20 MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated, changing the Target association between QuantitationType and QuantitationTypeMap. Modify Entities for QuantitationType Currently: " confidenceIndicators: The association between a ConfidenceIndicator and the QuantitationType its is an indicator for." Becomes: " confidenceIndicators: The association between a ConfidenceIndicator and the QuantitationType its is an indicator for. quantitationTypeMaps: The QuantitationType whose value will be produced from the values of the source QuantitationType according to the Protocol." Currently: "<!ENTITY % QuantitationType_content "(%Identifiable_content;), Channel_assnref?, Scale_assn, DataType_assn, ConfidenceIndicators_assnreflist?" >" Becomes: "<!ENTITY % QuantitationType_content "(%Identifiable_content;), Channel_assnref?, Scale_assn, DataType_assn, ConfidenceIndicators_assnreflist?, QuantitationTypeMaps_assnreflist?" >" Modify Element and Attlist declarations for QuantitationType Currently: " confidenceIndicators: The association between a ConfidenceIndicator and the QuantitationType its is an indicator for." Becomes: " confidenceIndicators: The association between a ConfidenceIndicator and the QuantitationType its is an indicator for. quantitationTypeMaps: The QuantitationType whose value will be produced from the values of the source QuantitationType according to the Protocol."
Actions taken:
July 29, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Request from Ugis Sarkans, EBI, that the Target association be navigable from QuantitationType to QuantitationTypeMap. The association end would be named quantitationTypeMaps.    This also provides a workaround for Issue #5552, in that a Ratio, for instance, can reference a QuantitationTypeMap whose protocol describes how it was derived and the Map also references the QuantitationTypes used to derive the Ratio.  

Issue 5552: association from FeatureExtraction to QuantitationTypeMapping needed (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Currently, if software, for instance, calculates a Ratio   from two channel images, there is no direct way to record how it was   derived, other than burying it in the protocol.          Request from Michael Miller, Rosetta Biosoftware, that there be an  association from FeatureExtraction to QuantitationTypeMapping.    The association would have the same names and characteristics as   the Transformation to QuantitationTypeMapping Mapping association   with a constraint of "rank: 3" on the QuantitationTypeMapping end.    This association would allow a natural way to describe additional   work of FeatureExtraction beyond reading the image.      (MAGE ISSUE 109)  

Resolution: no action taken
Revised Text:
Actions taken:
July 29, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Currently, if software, for instance, calculates a Ratio from two channel images, there is no direct way to record how it was derived, other than burying it in the protocol.  

Issue 5553: It should be possible to assign default values to parameters (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
It should be possible to assign default values to parameters      Request from Hilmar Lapp, GNF, that default values can be associated with  a Parameterizable's Parameters.  This could be done by replacing the  current Unit association to an association called "DefaultValue" to  Measurement.  The Parameterizable end would aggregate the Measurement  end and have a cardinality of 1.  The Measurement end would have a   cardinality of 0..1 and be named "defaultValue".      (MAGE ISSUE 113)  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to the Specification: Section 2.1.15, Measurement The specification for the value attribute for Measurement is changed Currently: \bvalue\b : any (required) Becomes: \bvalue\b : any (optional) (where \b...\b represents boldface) Section 2.1.16, Protocol The specification of the unit association for Parameter is replaced by the new specification for defaultValue Currently: \bunit\b : Unit (0..1) Unit the value is associated with Becomes: \bdefaultValue\b : Measurement (0..1) Allows the optional specification of a default values and the unit for the Parameter (where \b...\b indicates boldface) MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated, adding the DefaultValue association and removing the current association. Element and Attlist definitions for Measurement changes Currently: <!ELEMENT ActionMeasurement_assn (Measurement) > <!ELEMENT Measurement_assn (Measurement) > Becomes: <!ELEMENT ActionMeasurement_assn (Measurement) > <!ELEMENT DefaultValue_assn (Measurement) > <!ELEMENT Measurement_assn (Measurement) > Element and Attlist declarations for Parameter Currently: unit: Unit the value is associated with dataType: The type of data generated by the parameter i.e. Boolean, float, etc... Becomes: defaultValue: Allows the optional specification of a default values and the unit for the Parameter dataType: The type of data generated by the parameter i.e. Boolean, float, etc... Currently: <!ELEMENT Parameter ((%Identifiable_content;), Unit_assn?, DataType_assn?) > Becomes: <!ELEMENT Parameter ((%Identifiable_content;), DefaultValue_assn?, DataType_assn?) >
Actions taken:
July 29, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Request from Hilmar Lapp, GNF, that default values can be associated with a Parameterizable's Parameters. This could be done by replacing the current Unit association to an association called "DefaultValue" to Measurement. The Parameterizable end would aggregate the Measurement end and have a cardinality of 1. The Measurement end would have a cardinality of 0..1 and be named "defaultValue

Issue 5554: Need a way to model features that are associated with a BioMaterial (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Need a way to model features that are associated with a BioMaterial  rather than a BioSequence      Request from several sources that there be a way to specify that  a Feature is associated with something other than Biosequences,   such as solutions, Cy5, etc., when that decision is made at the  ArrayDesign stage.        (MAGE ISSUE 114)  

Resolution: no action taken
Revised Text:
Actions taken:
July 29, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Request from several sources that there be a way to specify that a Feature is associated with something other than Biosequences, such as solutions, Cy5, etc., when that decision is made at the ArrayDesign stage.  

Issue 5555: ExperimentFactor needs an OntologyEntry association (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
ExperimentFactor needs an OntologyEntry association for describing  additional information.      Request, made at MGED IV, that ExperimentFactor have an association   to OntologyEntry to capture things like concentration of Tamoxafin   with a CASRegistry #.      (MAGE ISSUE 116)  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Section 2.1.13, Experiment The specification for ExperimentalFactors documents the new association Currently: \bfactorValues\b : FactorValue (0..n) The pairing of BioAssay FactorValues with the ExperimentDesign ExperimentFactor. Becomes: \bfactorValues\b : FactorValue (0..n) The pairing of BioAssay FactorValues with the ExperimentDesign ExperimentFactor. \bannotations\b : OntologyEntry (0..n) Allows describing additional information such as concentration of Tamoxafin with a CASRegistry #. (where \b...\b indicates boldface) Update Figure 2-15 MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated, adding the Annotation association Element and Attlist declarations for ExperimentalFactor Currently: factorValues: The pairing of BioAssay FactorValues with the ExperimentDesign ExperimentFactor. Becomes: factorValues: The pairing of BioAssay FactorValues with the ExperimentDesign ExperimentFactor. annotations: Allows describing additional information such as concentration of Tamoxafin with a CASRegistry #. Currently: <!ELEMENT ExperimentalFactor ((%Identifiable_content;), Category_assn?, FactorValues_assnlist?) > Becomes: <!ELEMENT ExperimentalFactor ((%Identifiable_content;), Category_assn?, FactorValues_assnlist?, Annotations_assnlist?) >
Actions taken:
July 29, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Request, made at MGED IV, that ExperimentFactor have an association to OntologyEntry to capture things like concentration of Tamoxafin with a CASRegistry #.  

Issue 5556: Specifying a FactorValue needs to be more flexible (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Request, made at MGED IV, to modify the model:  * add association from FactorValue to OntologyEntry named "Value"      FactorValue end:      - aggregates OntologyEntry end      - cardinality: 1..1      OntologyEntry end:      - name: value      - cardinality: 0..1      - navigable  * make cardinality of association from FactorValue to Measurement    become 0..1  * add a rule that FactorValue has *either* a Measurement *or* a  OntologyEntry    (exclusive)      

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to the Specification: Section 2.1.13, Experiment Specification of the associations for FactorValue is updated. Currently: \bmeasurement\b : Measurement (1..1) The measured value for this factor. Becomes: \bmeasurement\b : Measurement (0..1) The measured value for this factor. \bvalue\b : OntologyEntry (0..1) Allows a more complex value to be specified for a FactorValue than a simple Measurement. (where \b...\b indicates boldface) MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated, adding the Value association and the rule MAGE-ML.dtd Element and Attlist declarations for FactorValue is updated Currently: measurement: The measured value for this factor. Becomes: measurement: The measured value for this factor. value: Allows a more complex value to be specified for a FactorValue than a simple Measurement. Currently: <!ELEMENT FactorValue ((%Identifiable_content;), Measurement_assn) > Becomes: <!ELEMENT FactorValue ((%Identifiable_content;), (Measurement_assn? | Value_assn?)) >
Actions taken:
July 29, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Request, made at MGED IV, to modify the model. Not all FactorValues are strict measurements. By adding the     OntologyEntry association named Value, it will allow more robust specification of the value for the experiment factor. A rule should be added to the model that either Value or Measurement can be used, but not both.  

Issue 5557: Instances of OntologyEntries need a way to be further qualified (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Some ontologies, such as GeneOntology, don't have this concept but others,  such as MGED's, do.      Request from a number of sources to modify the model:      * add a new class named "Slot" to the Description package with the  following:    - attribute: "name" of type String, required    - parent base class: Extendable    - association to Measurement named "Measurement"      Slot end:      - aggregates Measurement end      - cardinality: 1..1      Measurement End:      - name: "measurement"      - cardinality: 0..1      - navigable    - association to OntologyEntry named "SlotValue"      Slot end:      - aggregates OntologyEntry end      - cardinality: 1..1      OntologyEntry end:      - name: slotValue      - cardinality: 0..1      - navigable    - add rule that Slot has either measurement or ontologyEntry, exclusive  * OntologyEntry has association to Slot named "Slots"      OntologyEntry end:      - aggregates Slot end      - cardinality: 1..1      Slot end:      - name: slots      - cardinality: 0..N      - navigable        An simpler alternative would be an association from OntologyEntry to   itself named "Associations":      1st OntologyEntry end:      - aggregates 2nd OntologyEntry end      - cardinality: 1..1      2nd OntologyEntry end:      - name: associations      - cardinality: 0..N      - navigable      (MAGE ISSUE 7)   

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to the Specification: Section 2.1.3, Description Add to the QuantitationType Association documentation: Currently: " \bontologyReference\b : DatabaseEntry (0..1) Many ontology entries will not yet have formalized ontologies. In those cases, they will not have a database reference to the ontology. In the future it is highly encouraged that these ontologies be developed and ontologyEntry be subclassed from DatabaseReference." Becomes: " \bontologyReference\b : DatabaseEntry (0..1) Many ontology entries will not yet have formalized ontologies. In those cases, they will not have a database reference to the ontology. In the future it is highly encouraged that these ontologies be developed and ontologyEntry be subclassed from DatabaseReference. \bassociations\b : OntologyEntry (0..n) Allows an instance of an OntologyEntry to be further qualified." Replace Figure 2-4 MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated, adding the association from OntologyEntry to itself. MAGE-ML.dtd Modify Element and Attlist declarations for OntologyEntry Currently: " ontologyReference: Many ontology entries will not yet have formalized ontologies. In those cases, they will not have a database reference to the ontology. In the future it is highly encouraged that these ontologies be developed and ontologyEntry be subclassed from DatabaseReference." Becomes: " ontologyReference: Many ontology entries will not yet have formalized ontologies. In those cases, they will not have a database reference to the ontology. In the future it is highly encouraged that these ontologies be developed and ontologyEntry be subclassed from DatabaseReference. associations: Allows an instance of an OntologyEntry to be further qualified." Currently: "<!ELEMENT Annotations_assnlist (OntologyEntry+) > <!ELEMENT Category_assn (OntologyEntry) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT Annotations_assnlist (OntologyEntry+) > <!ELEMENT Associations_assnlist (OntologyEntry+) > <!ELEMENT Category_assn (OntologyEntry) >" Currently: "<!ELEMENT OntologyEntry ((%Extendable_content;), OntologyReference_assn?) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT OntologyEntry ((%Extendable_content;), OntologyReference_assn?, Associations_assnlist?) >"
Actions taken:
July 29, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Some ontologies, such as GeneOntology, don't have this concept but others, such as MGED's, do. There ws a lot of discussion on this issue and two proposed modifications. The alternative presented for a vote was the simpler of the two, which was to add a nested association to itself.  

Issue 5558: Database role to be associated with person/organization (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Request from Catherine Ball, from Stanford University, that a database   role be associated with person/organization.  These roles will describe   the types of privileges a person has with the data, not the type of   occupation the person has.  (see also MAGE ISSUE 103)      (MAGE ISSUE 121)

Resolution: reject the change
Revised Text: Changes to the Specification: Section 2.1.2, AuditAndSecurity Replace Figure 2-3 For Security, modify the Association documentation Currently: \breadGroups\b : SecurityGroup (0..n) Specifies which security groups have read permission. \bwriteGroups\b : SecurityGroup (0..n) Specifies which security groups have write permission. Becomes: \bsecurityGroups\b : SecurityGroup (0..n) Specifies which security groups have permission to view the associated object. (where \b...\b represents boldface) MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated, eliminating the current associations from Security to SecurityGroup and adding a more general association. MAGE-ML.dtd Modify Element and Attlist declarations for Security Currently: readGroups: Specifies which security groups have read permission. writeGroups: Specifies which security groups have write permission. Becomes: securityGroups: Specifies which security groups have permission to view the associated object. Currently: <!ELEMENT Security ((%Identifiable_content;), Owner_assnreflist?, ReadGroups_assnreflist?, WriteGroups_assnreflist?) > Becomes: <!ELEMENT Security ((%Identifiable_content;), Owner_assnreflist?, SecurityGroups_assnreflist?) > Modify Element and Attlist declarations for SecurityGroup Currently: <!ELEMENT ReadGroups_assnreflist (SecurityGroup_ref+) > <!ELEMENT WriteGroups_assnreflist (SecurityGroup_ref+) > Becomes: <!ELEMENT SecurityGroups_assnreflist (SecurityGroup_ref+) >
Actions taken:
July 29, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Request from Catherine Ball, from Stanford University, that a database role be associated with person/organization. These roles will describe the types of privileges a person has with the data, not the type of occupation the person has.    The proposed change would have required an extensive reworking of the AuditAndSecurity package  An alternative proposed change that made the Security and SecurityGroup association more general. The SecurityGroup instance could then provide more information through its association to Description.  

Issue 5559: Attribute to be added to describe its type (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Request from Hilmar Lapp, GNF, and Michael Miller, Rosetta Biosoftware,  that an attribute be added to Parameter to describe its type:    - name: type    - required: true    - enumeration: {IN, INOUT, OUT}    - default: IN      This would allow Protocol/ProtocolApplication to allow return values.    

Resolution: No Action Taken.
Revised Text:
Actions taken:
July 29, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Request from Hilmar Lapp, GNF, and Michael Miller, Rosetta Biosoftware, that an attribute be added to Parameter to describe its type:    - name: type    - required: true    - enumeration: {IN, INOUT, OUT}    - default: IN    This would allow Protocol/ProtocolApplication to allow return values  

Issue 5560: For interoperability, need a rule for formatting numbers (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Request from Michael Miller, Rosetta Biosoftware, for clarification  on how numbers should be formatted:  * integer values are just digits  * floating point numbers use a '.' (period), with an optional leading    zero and an optional leading +/- sign:    * -0.912  * scientific notation: optional leading zero, optional leading +/-    sign on the exponent and mantissa:    * -2.34E-12  

Resolution: reject the change but then see below
Revised Text: After the first solution was suggested, Jason Stewart, Open Informatics, suggested that referencing the W3C XML specification would be better. Resolution Changes to the Specification: Add a section in Section 1.1, General Remarks, between Section 1.1.4 and Section 1.1.5 and title it "Number Format" Text for added section: "In order to foster interoperability, it is necessary to agree on a common lexicographical representation of numbers in valid MAGE-ML XML documents. Since the W3C recommendation, "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes", contains definitions for such representations, they are the recommended form. Below are the definitions from that specification: "3.2.2 boolean ... Lexical representation An instance of a datatype that is defined as �boolean� can have the following legal literals {true, false, 1, 0}." "3.2.3 decimal ... NOTE: All �minimally conforming� processors �must� support decimal numbers with a minimum of 18 decimal digits (i.e., with a �totalDigits� of 18). However, �minimally conforming� processors �may� set an application-defined limit on the maximum number of decimal digits they are prepared to support, in which case that application-defined maximum number �must� be clearly documented. Lexical representation decimal has a lexical representation consisting of a finite-length sequence of decimal digits (#x30-#x39) separated by a period as a decimal indicator. If �totalDigits� is specified, the number of digits must be less than or equal to �totalDigits�. If �fractionDigits� is specified, the number of digits following the decimal point must be less than or equal to the �fractionDigits�. An optional leading sign is allowed. If the sign is omitted, "+" is assumed. Leading and trailing zeroes are optional. If the fractional part is zero, the period and following zero(es) can be omitted. For example: -1.23, 12678967.543233, +100000.00, 210." (�totalDigits� would be documented for an attribute by the exporting organization of the XML) "3.3.13 integer ... Lexical representation integer has a lexical representation consisting of a finite-length sequence of decimal digits (#x30-#x39) with an optional leading sign. If the sign is omitted, "+" is assumed. For example: -1, 0, 12678967543233, +100000." "3.2.4 float ... Lexical representation float values have a lexical representation consisting of a mantissa followed, optionally, by the character "E" or "e", followed by an exponent. The exponent �must� be an integer. The mantissa must be a decimal number. The representations for exponent and mantissa must follow the lexical rules for integer and decimal. If the "E" or "e" and the following exponent are omitted, an exponent value of 0 is assumed. The special values positive and negative zero, positive and negative infinity and not-a-number have lexical representations 0, -0, INF, -INF and NaN, respectively. For example, -1E4, 1267.43233E12, 12.78e-2, 12 and INF are all legal literals for float." "3.2.5 double ... Lexical representation double values have a lexical representation consisting of a mantissa followed, optionally, by the character "E" or "e", followed by an exponent. The exponent �must� be an integer. The mantissa must be a decimal number. The representations for exponent and mantissa must follow the lexical rules for integer and decimal. If the "E" or "e" and the following exponent are omitted, an exponent value of 0 is assumed. The special values positive and negative zero, positive and negative infinity and not-a-number have lexical representations 0, -0, INF, -INF and NaN, respectively. For example, -1E4, 1267.43233E12, 12.78e-2, 12 and INF are all legal literals for double." Add to Appendix A, References, in alphabetical order: "Paul V. Biron, Ashok Malhotra, eds. 2001. XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, W3C Recommendation. 2 May 2001.""
Actions taken:
July 29, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Request from Michael Miller, Rosetta Biosoftware, for clarification on how numbers should be formatted. Jason Stewart, Open Informatics, suggested the following:    * integer values are just digits    * floating point numbers use a '.' (period), with an optional leading    zero and an optional leading +/- sign: -0.912    * scientific notation: optional leading zero, optional leading +/-    sign on the exponent and mantissa: -2.34E-12  

Issue 5561: group BioSequences that share the same type, PolymerType, and Species infor (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Affymetrix, Inc. (Mr. Stephen A. Chervitz, steve_chervitz(at)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
It would be useful to have a way to group BioSequences that share the same  Type, PolymerType, and Species information.      Request from Steve Chervitz, Affymetrix, that the model be modified in  some way to make it possible to group together sequences that shared these  common characteristics.

Revised Text:
Actions taken:
July 29, 2002: received issue
December 11, 2002: closed issue

Request from Steve Chervitz, Affymetrix, that the model be modified in some way to make it possible to group together sequences that shared these common characteristics. That would produce much smaller files that contained BioSquence information

Issue 5927: Clarify and expand the documentation for the MAGE-OM model (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Discussion:  A draft was created by Cathy Ball and her group that is included   as a separate document      Issues:  The changes were done on a previous version of the standard and   need to be merged to the available standard      The changes need to be backed merged into the UML model to keep  the documentation in synch in the generated DTD and code.  

Resolution: no action taken
Revised Text:
Actions taken:
May 2, 2003: received issue
April 26, 2010: closed issue
April 26, 2010: closed issue

Cathy Ball and her group at Stanford revised and expanded the documentation.    Issues:    The changes were done on a previous version of the standard and need to be merged to the available standard.    The changes need to be backed merged into the UML model to keep the documentation in synch in the generated DTD and code.  

Issue 5928: association ExperimentDesign (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
The association ExperimentDesign should be   Experiment(1..1)-->ExperimentDesign(1..n)      instead of      Experiment(1..1)-->ExperimentDesign(1..1)      and the association name and end role should become 'ExperimentDesigns'   and 'experimentDesigns'      Discussion:  Raised by Angel Pizarro 9/9/02 and requested by the Ontology Group

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to the Specification: Section 2.1.13, Experiment Modify the documentation of the Experiment class: Currently: " \bexperimentDesign\b : ExperimentDesign (1..1)" Becomes: "\bexperimentDesigns\b : ExperimentDesign (1..n)" Figure 2-15 is updated MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated, modifying the current ExperimentDesign association. MAGE-ML.dtd Modify Element declarations for Experiment Currently: "experimentDesign: The association to the description and�" Becomes: "experimentDesigns: The association to the description and�" Currently: "<!ELEMENT Experiment ((%Identifiable_content;), Providers_assnreflist?, AnalysisResults_assnreflist?, BioAssayData_assnreflist?, BioAssays_assnreflist?, ExperimentDesign_assn) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT Experiment ((%Identifiable_content;), Providers_assnreflist?, AnalysisResults_assnreflist?, BioAssayData_assnreflist?, BioAssays_assnreflist?, ExperimentDesigns_assnlist) >" Currently: "<!ELEMENT ExperimentDesign_assn (ExperimentDesign) >" Becomes: "<!ELEMENT ExperimentDesigns_assnlist (ExperimentDesign+) >"
Actions taken:
May 2, 2003: received issue
November 6, 2003: closed issue

Raised by Angel Pizarro 9/9/02 and requested by the Ontology Group    Change to the association ExperimentDesign as follows:    Experiment(1..1)-->ExperimentDesign(1..n)    instead of    Experiment(1..1)-->ExperimentDesign(1..1)    and the association name and end role should become 'ExperimentDesigns' and 'experimentDesigns'  

Issue 5929: Features should be able to know what their Reporter is (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Features should be able to know what their Reporter is.  The model   currently has no way to navigate from a Feature to its Reporter      Discussion:  Raise by Michael Dondrup 10/2/02      "Given a particular Feature (eg. by selecting a spot on a image of an  array),  try to retrieve data for the BioSequence via its Reporter. I  would suggest a direct association from Feature to Reporter. Or is this  only adding redundancy to the model?'      Reply from Paul Spellman 10/4/02      "there is a very good reason for this association not to exist.    Features are immutable and confined to a single array, Reporters are   flexible and can be present on multiple arrays.  Requiring Features to   know which Reporters they are in could in some cases be a logistical   nightmare.      This is best solved using a database query rather than the model."  

Resolution: Reject the change.
Revised Text:
Actions taken:
May 2, 2003: received issue
November 6, 2003: closed issue

Raise by Michael Dondrup 10/2/02:  Features should be able to know what their Reporter is.  The model currently has no way to navigate from a Feature to its Reporter.    Applications are free to add (or not) explicit relationships outside the model.  The model, as is, provides sufficient support for queries between Features and Reporters  

Issue 5930: rule in the ExperimentDesign package (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
The rule in the ExperimentDesign package that only allows a single  FactorValue per TopLevelBioAssay hinders proper description of  multi-channel experiments and should be dropped      Discussion:  Raised by Angel Pizarro 3/4/03       "During the MGED Ontology workshop, we came across a situation that does  not allow you to describe certain ExperimentDesigns. For instance in a  loop design, you compare conditions A,B,C as follows:  A -> B  B -> C      If A,B & C represent different values of the same ExperimentalFactor, how  do you encode that a single top-level BioAssay is A -> B? Remember that  there is a Rule in the ExperimentDesign package that states that each  TopLevelBioAssay can only have a single FactorValue per  ExperimentalFactor."    

Resolution: Reject the Change
Revised Text:
Actions taken:
May 2, 2003: received issue
November 6, 2003: closed issue

Raised by Angel Pizarro 3/4/03: The rule in the ExperimentDesign package that only allows a single FactorValue per TopLevelBioAssay hinders proper description of multi-channel experiments and should be dropped    This rule doesn't exist.  It was probably in some previous version but is not in the available specification    

Issue 5931: BibliographicReference (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
BibliographicReference needs to be able to point to multiple   database entries.  An association will be added between   BibliographicReference and DatabaseEntry which will be named 'Accessions'  with the end role name of 'accessions' on the DatabaseEntry end.  It will   be navigable from BibliographicReference to DatabaseEntry and its  aggregation  will be of type composite.  The cardinality of the BibliographicReference   end will be 1..1 and the cardinality of the DatabaseEntry end will be 0..n    

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to the Specification: Section 2.1.4, BQS Add to the BibliographicReference Association documentation: "\baccessions\b : DatabaseEntry (0..n) References in publications, eg Medline and PubMed, for this BibliographicReference. " Replace Figure 2-4 MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated, adding the association from BibliographicReference to OntologyEntry . MAGE-ML.dtd Modify Element declaration for BibliographicReference Add: "accessions: References in publications, eg Medline and PubMed, for this BibliographicReference. " Currently: " <!ELEMENT BibliographicReference ((%Describable_content;), Parameters_assnlist) > " Becomes: " <!ELEMENT BibliographicReference ((%Describable_content;), Parameters_assnlist, Accessions_assnlist?) > " Add to association declarations for OntologyEntry � <!ELEMENT Accessions_assnlist (DatabaseEntry+) >�
Actions taken:
May 2, 2003: received issue
November 6, 2003: closed issue

Raised by Helen Parkinson 3/18/03: BibliographicReference needs to be able to point to multiple database entries.    We have come across a problem adding id's for papers to eg Medline and PubMed.  Accession is not an attribute of Bibliographic reference and it's hard to explicitly link to an accession if the uri has already been used for the journal.    Add an optional association from BibliographicReference to OntologyEntry.  The association should be 0..n and named Accession.  

Issue 5932: MerckIndex association between Compound and OntologyEntry (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
The MerckIndex association between Compound and OntologyEntry is too  specific.  The association should become more general and allow more   than one kind of Index.   The name of the association and end role will  change to 'CompoundIndices' and 'compoundIndices' and the OntologyEntry end  will change its cardinality to 0..n  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to the Specification: Section 2.1.10, BioMaterial Change to the Compound Association documentation: Currently: " \bmerckIndex\b : OntologyEntry (0..1) The Merck Index of this Compound. " Becomes: " \bcompoundIndices\b : OntologyEntry (0..n) Indices into common Compound Indices, such as the Merck Index, for this Compound. " Replace Figure 2-11 MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated, modifying the association to OntologyEntry from Compound. MAGE-ML.dtd Modify Element declarations for Compund Currently: " merckIndex: The Merck Index of this Compound. " Becomes: " compoundIndices: Indices into common Compound Indices, such as the Merck Index, for this Compound. " Currently: " <!ELEMENT Compound ((%Identifiable_content;), MerckIndex_assn?, ComponentCompounds_assnlist?, ExternalLIMS_assn?) > " Becomes: " <!ELEMENT Compound ((%Identifiable_content;), CompoundIndices_assnlist?, ComponentCompounds_assnlist?, ExternalLIMS_assn?) > " Currently for OntologyEntry declarations: " <!ELEMENT MerckIndex_assn (OntologyEntry) > " Becomes: " <!ELEMENT CompoundIndices_assnlist (OntologyEntry+) > "
Actions taken:
May 2, 2003: received issue
November 6, 2003: closed issue

The MerckIndex association between Compound and OntologyEntry is too specific.  The association should become more general and allow more than one kind of Index.   The name of the association and end role will change to 'CompoundIndices' and 'compoundIndices' and the OntologyEntry end will change its cardinality to 0..n    Issue was raised for the FTF on the mailing list but was overlooked.  

Issue 5933: Type association between BioSample and OntologyEntry (gene-expression-ftf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Rosetta Biosoftware Business Unit (Mr. Michael D Miller, nobody)
Nature: Uncategorized Issue
The Type association between BioSample and OntologyEntry needs to be  optional.  The cardinality of the OntologyEntry end will change from 1..1 to 0..1.  

Resolution: see below
Revised Text: Changes to the Specification: Section 2.1.10, BioMaterial Modify the BioSample documentation: Currently: " \btype\b : OntologyEntry (1..1) " Becomes: " \btype\b : OntologyEntry (0..1) " Replace Figure 2-11 MAGE-OM and the generated MAGE.xmi are updated, adding the association from OntologyEntry to itself. MAGE-ML.dtd Modify Element declaration for BioSample Currently: " <!ELEMENT BioSample ((%BioMaterial_content;), Type_assn) > " Becomes: " <!ELEMENT BioSample ((%BioMaterial_content;), Type_assn?) > "
Actions taken:
May 2, 2003: received issue
November 6, 2003: closed issue

Requested by the Ontology group 1/15/03: The Type association between BioSample and OntologyEntry needs to be optional.  The cardinality of the OntologyEntry end will change from 1..1 to 0..1.