Richard Mark Soley, Ph.D., Chairman And Chief Executive Officer
As Chairman and CEO of OMG, Dr. Soley is responsible for the vision and direction of the world's largest consortium of its kind. Dr. Soley joined OMG as a Technical Director in 1989 and led the development of many OMG standards including CORBA®, UML®, and MDA®. In addition to his leadership of OMG and its Industrial Internet Consortium and Consortium for Information & Software Quality programs, he also serves on numerous industrial, technical and academic conference program committees, and speaks all over the world on issues relevant to emerging technologies, IT standards, and creating successful companies.
Dr. Soley also serves as an advisor to many governments and is an agenda contributor in the World Economic Forum. A native of Baltimore, Maryland, Dr. Soley holds SB, SM, and PhD degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from MIT.
Dr. Richard Mark Soley
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
Object Management Group, Inc.
9C Medway Road, PMB 274, Milford, MA 01757 USA