Enabling a More Efficient Defense & Military
The OMG's Defense & Military Domain Task Force (DM DTF) focuses on systems that support crisis response, search and rescue, and military operations. Such systems are commonly known as C4I systems which include weapons, combat management, command and control, as well as national defense systems and the necessary capabilities and technologies to deliver them. A recent forecast anticipates the defense and military communication market size to increase by USD 9 billion at a CAGR of 4.93% between 2022 to 2027.
Together with sustainment disciplines (e.g., logistics, traffic control [air, ground, subsurface], and weather) the DM DTF looks at the architecture of sensors through systems and systems-of-systems Integration with a view of both reducing costs and time while increasing quality and providing the information necessary to manage the total process. The DTF analyzes open architecture-based modeling and the design of processes as well as tool requirements that enable the military and defense to succeed on schedule and with high quality, safety, and security.
- Communicate the requirements of the C4I community to the OMG and its subgroups
- Foster use of OMG adopted technologies in the C4I community
- Improve the ability of C4I community members to exchange essential and relevant information and services to work cooperatively in coalition operations
- Utilize OMG technology adoption process to standardize software interfaces for interoperability among C4I community member
- Augment and extend current OMG standards to accommodate C4I system interoperability
- Encourage vendors of products incorporating OMG adopted technology to support features relevant to interoperability in the C4I community
Notable Deliverables:
- ALert MAnagement Service (ALMAS): The domain of naval Combat Management Systems (CMS) is characterized by a huge variety of underlying computing platforms, with different and often incompatible means of managing and reporting alerts. Standards-based alert management services are essential for interoperable and open systems. This specification is a standard for ALert MAnagement Service (ALMAS) in CMS systems, consisting of a standard alerts data model and a model for an alert delivery and lifecycle management service.
- Open Architecture Radar Interface Standard (OARIS): Primarily defines the interface between the CMS and a radar system within a modular combat system architecture for naval platforms. However, it is structured to align with the objective of dividing the interface into three categories: subsystem services (interfaces applicable to any module within a combat system), sensor services (interfaces applicable to any sensor component within a combat system) and radar services.
- TACtical SITuation (TACSIT) Data Exchange (TEX): The military and operational command and control systems domain is characterized by a wide variety of underlying computing platforms. A standard-based interface to common TACtical SITuation (TACSIT) services is thus essential for interoperable and open systems. A foundational standard issued by the OMG, the TACSIT Controller Interface (TCI) consists of a set of interfaces to interact with TACSIT display systems. TEX offers data interfaces to TACSIT systems, standardizing: 1) The data that need to be exchanged with TACSIT systems and 2) the interfaces needed to exchange data from/to TACSIT systems.
- United Architecture Framework (UAF): Assists in development of architectural descriptions in commercial industry firms, federal government agencies and defense organizations. UAF has a variety of use cases from Enterprise and Mission architecting, to System of Systems (SoS) and Cyber-physical Systems engineering, as well as being an enabler for Digital Transformation efforts and for Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) and NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) modeling. Architectural Descriptions in UAF are aligned with ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011, Systems and software engineering -- Architecture description.
Work In Progress:
The 'X' is a catchall which represents everything associated with DevOps.
- DevXOps Standards Initiative-Help us identify the focus of future standards in this area to explore how they could help this market space and engage with influential organizations in the DevXOps arena to improve the overall state of practice, integration, interoperability, and understanding across the industry.
Active C4I Working Groups:
Get Involved:
If you're an OMG member, have a member account, and want to get involved, you can Subscribe to The C4I DTF Mailing List to receive frequent group email updates and/or contact [email protected]. If you don't know if your organization is already a member, check the OMG Member List, Request An Account, and follow the prior steps, if your organization is a member, to get engaged. If not a member and interested in getting involved please visit our Membership Overview Webpage and/or contact [email protected].