Improving Manufacturing and Industrial Systems
The OMG's Manufacturing & Industrial Systems Domain Task Force (MANTIS DTF) facilitates the transition from legacy systems to new technology integration. Production efficiency is often measured by Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), which is a percentage metric to calculate the time quality products are produced with zero downtime at the lowest average total cost. OEE helps eliminate waste, identify errors and compares performance with the competition. The Manufacturing DTF can help you enhance your current manufacturing technology to meet your business demands.
Foster the emergence of cost effective, timely, commercially available and interoperable software components to achieve the following goals:
- Recommend specifications based on Model Driven Architecture that enable interoperability, modularity and reusability
- Encourage development of standard interfaces that encapsulate legacy systems, enabling their integration and migration to new technologies
- Encourage adoption of ManTIS-related specifications in other standardization organizations
- Partner with other OMG groups and SDOs to accomplish the above
Notable Deliverables:
- Express Metamodel (EXPRESS): Provides a common basis for communication among tools that create or compile EXPRESS models, analyze them, and/or map them to various forms of implementation specifications. It is also intended to serve as a basis for the definition of formal standard mappings to other modeling and implementation languages.
- Product Lifecycle Management Services (PLM): Is a standard made of standards: the Information Model of the current v2.1 was derived from the ISO 10303-214 STEP model, while the Functional Model is based on OMG PDM Enablers v1.3. PLM Services provide a solid foundation for collaborative engineering use cases (e.g. browsing in supplier product data structures, design in context and digital mock-up). Utilizing OMG Model Driven Architecture® (MDA®), the PLM Services specification is intended to serve for a wide range of implementation platforms. Currently it is targeted at web services, XML™ Schema, SOAP, and Java.
- Simplified Electronic Notation for Sensor Reporting (SENSR): Provides a metamodel for describing the form of serialized data streams emitted by sensors, and describing how that data should be interpreted by a client to derive the intended meaning of the data. The intent is that a manufacturer's sensor products can be characterized by a model expressed in the proposed metamodel.
- SysML Extension for Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation (SysPhS): Extends SysML with additional information needed to model physical interaction and signal flow simulation independently of simulation platforms. Provides a human-usable textual syntax for mathematical expressions, a platform-independent SysML library of simulation elements that can be reused in system models and translations between SysML as extended above and two widely-used simulation languages and tools for physical interaction and signal flow simulation.
Work in Progres:
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If you're an OMG member, have a member account, and want to get involved, you can Subscribe to The ManTIS DTF Mailing List to receive frequent group email updates and/or contact [email protected]. If you don't know if your organization is already a member, check the OMG Member List, Request An Account, and follow the prior steps, if your organization is a member, to get engaged. If not a member and interested in getting involved please visit our Membership Overview Webpage and/or contact [email protected]