13th Annual Business Architecture Innovation Summit

March 18-20, 2025
Hyatt Regency Reston Town Center Hotel, Reston VA


Join us at 13th annual Business Architecture Innovation Summit™ in Reston, VA!

The Business Architecture Guild® and Object Management Group® are pleased to announce the 13th annual Business Architecture Innovation Summit™ being held March 18-20, 2025 in Reston, Virginia, USA. This year's Summit will again be offered as a hybrid event, with a mix of virtual and in-person sessions for speakers and attendees. One thing that continues to inspire is that, based on all indicators, there are more organizations beginning their business architecture journey today than at any time in the past. Leadership is finally beginning to shift from asking "why do we need a business architecture practice?" to "why don't we have a business architecture practice?" Regardless of where your organization is in its journey, the Innovation Summit remains the premier place to answer the call. Presenters across multiple industries and geographies will share their experiences in leveraging business architecture across a wide range of business scenarios. Please join us as we collectively enhance our knowledge, engage in new relationships, and advance the community as a whole. As in prior years, Summit attendees will be able to attend the pre-Summit, half-day Business Architecture Primer™ free of charge. The half-day Primer brings those new to the discipline up to speed on the business architecture discipline and best practices. Just sign up for the Primer when you sign up for the Summit.

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Business Architecture Primer

BA Guild

For individuals attending annual Business Architecture Innovation Summits, Business Architecture Associates (BAA) offers a 3.5-hour Business Architecture Primer the afternoon prior to day 1 of the Summit. The Primer, which is free to Summit attendees and delivered by BAA cofounders and industry experts Whynde Kuehn and William Ulrich, provides a high-level, end-to-end overview of business architecture and is ideal for Summit attendees who are new to the discipline or just want to refresh their understanding of the topic. The Primer is Business Architecture Guild accredited, where attendees who have obtained Certified Business Architect® (CBA®) status will receive continuing education units (CEU) for the 3.5-hour session.

A snapshot of topics covered in the Primer include a business architecture overview and value proposition, core and extended mapping domains, interdisciplinary alignment, business-driven IT architecture transformation, and setting up and managing a business architecture program. We look forward to having you join us.