Richard Mark Soley, Ph.D

Richard Soley

It is with our most profound sorrow we inform you that our esteemed colleague, Dr. Richard Mark Soley, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, surrounded by family. Words can't express how much we and the technical community miss him. Our thanks to those who wrote to Richard and the family, it provided great comfort to them.

Richard Mark Soley, Ph.D was the Chairman and CEO of the Object Management Group, Inc. (OMG). Read more about Richard here.

I couldn't believe seeing this. It's been a few years since I had the pleasure of working with Richard and admittedly lost touch. It's shocking to learn of his passing. He was one of the most warm and intelligent men I've come across in professional life. Beyond his areas of expertise, he seemed to know a little bit about everything. Great speaker and advocate for standards. Some of the most entertaining travel stories I've heard.

The planet needs more people like Richard. He will be missed.

-Lev Lesokhin

RIP my friend, what a great loss. His presence in any room was immediately pervaded by his personality, so ironic, smart, gentle and friendly. I owe him much. We laughed a lot together. I miss you mate ;(

-Pierfranco Ferronato

It was with a heavy heart that I learned of Richard's passing on November 8th upon my returning from an oversea trip. Richard's contributions, in co-founding OMG, IIC, and other consortia, have left an indelible mark in our field. His works have created an enduring impact, and I feel privileged to have associated with Richard's remarkable journey during its later stages. His charismatic personality, coupled with a unique blend of humor and wisdom, left me with a lasting impression.

His departure feels all too soon, and his absence will be profoundly felt.

I extend my deepest sympathies to Richard’s family and friends.

-Shi-Wan Lin

Richard: con sorpresa me entero de tu partida; recuerdo el día que te conocí en Puerto Varas, Chile, Sudamérica; nuestra alegre conversación sobre historia norteamericana; después tuve la oportunidad de compartir con Isabel y tus hijos; siempre recordaré tu alegría, tu sentido del humor y tu profunda sencillez; buen viaje.

-Marcelo RUIZ

Richard...hard to articulate what a blessing you were for the world. I know that I, like most everyone you met, have learned, grown, and been made better as a result of my relationship with you. You leave behind an ecosystem nearly as large as you - both physically and metaphorically - were. You were literally able to see markets about to be made, and, through sheer will, and the clever people you brought into your them. Few people could claim the same. Beyond that, you leave behind some of the most kind, caring, artistic, and thoughtful people I know. This includes both Isabel, Elizabeth, and Alex; and those on the IT side of things as well. Rest easy knowing that those of us who cherish your memory will continue to ensure your legacy, and that of your loved ones.

Much love, and sincere thanks,

-Calvin Smith

My condolences to Richard's family. I was very shocked when I heard the news. Richard had always been helpful, always making sure to connect people with like-minded interests to achieve a greater outcome than if they could alone. His energy and enthusiasm for OMG was contagious.

-Michael Bechauf

Richard and I met over ten years ago, and I am deeply honored and privileged to have known and worked with him. A little over three years ago, I received a call from Richard where he asked me to join OMG's newest endeavor - the Digital Twin Consortium, to facilitate the technical direction and membership growth. Recalling the conversation, when I asked Richard who would be interviewing me, he chuckled and, in a traditional "Richard-esque" manner, said, "You have been interviewing for the last six years while you represented your company to the IIC - the job is yours." I will never forget, as so many have already stated and experienced, how Richard changed the course of my life! With Richard's initial drive and Bill's equally incredible effort in forming, cultivating, and managing an outstanding top-notch team, the Consortium continues to grow and thrive, as does OMG. None of this would have been possible without Richard's leadership and tremendous deep respect from those he met, as exhibited wherever his travels brought him. I am a part of OMG today primarily due to Richard's immense generosity, unwavering support, brilliant stewardship, and deep compassion. Richard, indeed a one-of-a-kind pillar in society and technical prowess, touched many people worldwide.

He is already sorely missed by so many in so many lands.

My most sincere condolences and deep heartfelt sympathy for your loss.

-Dan Isaacs - CTO / GM Digital Twin Consortium.

So many here have said so much. I just want to add two things. First, I recall the great pleasure he got from introducing people to each other, seeing where they could go together. Second, for someone who was almost always right, he was incredibly open to and eager to see analyses that arrived at conclusions different from his. I was lucky to serve on a board of directors with him for many years, it was an honor.

-Daniel Alexander

I met Richard back in the mid 90's. I was a young project manager in at that time no globally relevant company (Telefónica) and from a country (Spain) I'm sure many people were also consider irrelevant from a software industry perspective.

But I was a passionate developer and, when I discovered CORBA technology in the early 90's, I felt like this was the technology I loved to see adopted for the next generation of Telecom Network Management and Telecom Services Systems, as opposed to developers' non-friendly technology designed in OSI and ITU-T like CMIP and GDMO (these acronyms may not tell you know anything because fortunately they were finally dismissed :-). I actually feel very proud I led the project that drove the strategic decision of Telefónica to adopt CORBA for its next generation of mission-critical systems.

I didn't only advocated for CORBA adoption but soon we developed our own CORBA implementation that was present in many of Telefonica mission-critical OSSs. Implementing CORBA existing specifications, based on really demanding requirements as Telefonica, gave us the opportunity to develop many functionalities that we later brought to OMG, contributing to evolution of those CORBA specifications.

That was when I met Richard personally and I got rather impressed by him. He didn't care where you were coming from (Again, Spain was at that time nothing from an ICT perspective -still is little- and Telefonica was far smaller and insignificant that it is today) but Richard was willing to hear what you want to tell if it could be a good idea. This gives you the kind of confidence you need when you start your career and makes you feel you can reach your goals no matter how ambitious they may be. And it was a lesson and a way of thinking and attitude about the others that I have tried to apply myself along my career.

Very few years later, the 1996-97 period when I contributed to some of the OMG specifications, are among the ones in my career that I remember more fondly.

Later, after a long period of more than 20 years during which I were disconnected from OMG activities, I had the opportunity to meet Richard again and he still remembered me, which was something that touched me, knowing the many and important people he knew.

He was such a great guy who, besides, managed so well and for so many years an organization who did great things.

I only regret I hadn't had the opportunity to tell him how relevant those years and his influence were in my career. I wish he can read this words from where he is now.

Rest in peace.

- Juanjo Hierro

As you know, I'm the friend of your children. I can't compete with your many friends and colleagues on the stories and recollections front. (Though one spirited dinner chat regarding the workings of Boston's Falafel King comes to mind..) But I wanted to express that I'm very grateful for the kindness you've extended to me and my loved ones. I've always noticed, and I'm very touched.

The letters here all speak similarly of your achievement, intellect, kindness, and humor. I can add that I see these qualifies reflected in my friends Alex and Mich.

I wish you and Isabel all the best. Hang in there. I'm thinking of you.

-Matt Osborne

Richard, a memory for you. In the early days a startup I confounded was a founding member of OMG. I was on the board. At about this time Richard finished his degree and we knew each other from our time at MIT as well as his company produced a product we sold, the HummingBoard, a 386 board for the IBM PC (which had an 8088).

Richard called me and said "I'm applying for some jobs and I'd like to use your as a reference."

I said "No".

That was the only time I know of that Richard was speechless.

He finally muttered "Why?"

I said because I have the perfect job for you, we are looking for a Director of Technology at OMG.

The rest is history.

Best wishes from my heart to yours.

-Jerry Barber

I recall when we first met in 1985 at the artificial intelligence labs of MIT. And I was working for Smart Systems Technology (SST) of Tysons, Virginia. We last met around 2018 at the OMG. And I was working at Defense Information Systems Agency on standards including OMG. Moreover, it was a pure please to work with you on & off for about 40 years!

You always fought the good fight.


-Leonard Levine

Richard Soley is one of my role models, his heart is as big as his brains, with an unique empathy, he literally connected the world, through is personal connections and his passion for using technology to build a better and connected world.

I will miss my friend.

-Claus Schaale

richard, thanks for your birthday. i will miss them . you will be missed.

-alan atkins

In Memory of Dr Richard Soley

Extremely sad to see you leave us.

You inspired me to participate and provide voluntary services in developing many UML MOF ODM and SBVR areas including BPMN2 now UML2.

Wish you a peaceful afterlife and prayers and condolences to your survivors / family.

Your friend,


(Dr. Ravi Sharma, Ph.D. USA)
NASA Apollo Achievement Award
ISRO Distinguished Service Awards
Former MTS NASA HQ MSEB Apollo time frame
Former Scientific Secretary ISRO HQ
Ontolog Board of Trustees
Particle and Space Physics
Senior Enterprise Architect
SAE Fuel Cell Tech Committee voting member for 20 years.

Richard was a wonderful person. I had the pleasure to work with him as an active participant the OMG. Many years after that period he made room in his schedule to meet with me whenever he was in the Netherlands. We had a wonderful inspiring time together, always ending in eating the best ice-creme in town. His passion was to bring people together and create trust between them. Partly because of his great sense for humor he was very successful in that. I am said that I will never meet him again. I wish strengths to his family and nearest friends and colleagues. I know however that his passion for connecting people has lead to results that will live on, and that he is in our minds and hearts, still capable of producing a smile.

-Wim Bast

Richard was a wonderful person. I had the pleasure to work with him as an active participant the OMG. Many years after that period he made room in his schedule to meet with me whenever he was in the Netherlands. We had a wonderful inspiring time together, always ending in eating the best ice-creme in town. His passion was to bring people together and create trust between them. Partly because of his great sense for humor he was very successful in that. I am said that I will never meet him again. I wish strengths to his family and nearest friends and colleagues. I know however that his passion for connecting people has lead to results that will live on, and that he is in our minds and hearts, still capable of producing a smile.

-Wim Bast

We are heartbroken and deeply saddened by Richard's passing. Like so many others, we can attest to what an incredible human and true mensch Richard was. I appreciated Richard's excellent leadership during my time with OMG/IIC but I appreciate him that much more on a personal level. How many CEOs out there tell a part time contract employee to get in touch when she and her husband would be traveling through Chile because he would be there too? Richard did! I didn't think he was serious at first, but he reminded me. I am so glad I reached out. Mark and I will always be grateful to Richard and Isabel for their welcoming hospitality, generosity of time and cherished memories which were the highlight of our trip.

May Richard's memory always be a blessing.

-Ingrid and Mark, Reis-Glas

My condolences to Richard’s family. I remember my interactions with with both IBM and BEA as a capable technologist, a competent administrator and a great human being. Rest in piece, my friend.

-Edward Cobb

I am deeply saddened by the passing of Richard Soley. I had the privilege of meeting him during my visits to IIC events, and we stayed connected through subsequent events. His help and presence will be greatly missed. Thank you, Richard, for everything. I will miss you.

-Jerry D

I am truly saddened by the passing of Richard Soley.

He has been a great mentor to me and IOTA. It helped us mature the IOTA Foundation and gain adoption in different sectors. We are forever grateful to him for his contributions to IOTA and the support he gave us as a member...


A truly decent individual who came into my life as a classmate turned dear friend of my cousin during his years at MIT. We would compare notes often about culture and only-ness in high school--his in Baltimore and mine in Oberlin/Elyria. I was happy to help provide diversity to his OMG meetings in Chicago and Reston. The friendships and information I learned among the OMG members was profound.

His world view and dedication to collaborative problem solving and consensus building to establish technical standards is without equal. He will be missed....and remembered.

-Mercia Arnold

Richard is and was one of those people who are like beacons in the dark. And the world of international health data standards was indeed dark and confusing for me when I attended my first HL7 Working in Tampa FL, USA, in 1996. (I was one of the maybe 5-6 people attending from outside the US.)

But then there was Mark! And we had long conversations about modelling, about CORBA, about UML - and about what the Object Management Group (OMG) had to do with all of this. And slowly it all started to make sense. Mark's imposing stature, his broad smile, his firm handshake, his simple way of explaining 'it all' made me and many others feel comfortable with diverse subject matters and processes involved to standardize healthcare data and communications across the US and ultimately across the world.

Thank You Richard, for being this beacon and guide to all of us for all these years!

-(A/Prof) Klaus Veil FHL7 LMHL7Au FACHI - Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia

My fondest memories about Richard trace back to the collaborative efforts during the UML 2.3-2.5 revisions. Amidst the complexity and occasional tensions inherent in such a detailed and critical task, Richard's presence was a beacon of calm and clarity. His ability to defuse tensions and navigate challenges with humor and intelligence was not just a professional skill, but a testament to his character.

I vividly recall the times when my choice of bright orange outfits became a light-hearted topic among us. Richard, with his quick wit and amicable spirit, never missed a chance to share a joke, bringing a moment of levity to our intense sessions. His humor was never at anyone's expense but served to bond us closer as a team.

-Nicolas Rouquette

I am deeply saddened by the passing of Richard, and am at a loss. During my course of my career in technology and media, our paths often crossed and each time I found him intelligent, curious and always will to extend a hand. He was a force.


Hi Richard,

Since our first meeting in the nineties, you have always impressed me. Generosity, the right nose for the next big thing, openness, a handshake with meaning and a good pinch of humor, oh, there's so much. You set standards, also in terms of togetherness and community.

I will miss you, and yet I know that you will always be around.

You will always have my respect.

My best wishes,

-Steven Vettermann

Dear Richard,

From my initial days at the Linux Foundation, your willingness to meet and share invaluable insights truly made a difference. Your guidance on how consortia operate and your readiness to listen was instrumental. You are not just a mentor but also a friend, and your early support has left an indelible mark on me.

Your contribution to both society and the industry is immeasurable. OMG continues to stand as one of the most esteemed voices in the technological, a testament to your remarkable influence. You have elevated us all through your leadership.

At the Linux Foundation, your presence is frequently felt in our conversations, and you will be missed.

With sincere appreciation,

-Jim Zemlin, Linux Foundation

A force of nature and a most wonderful man.

He made enormous contributions to software engineering.

I shall miss him enormously.

- Bran Selic

I feel sad at Richards passing. He was an exceptional person, who was open minded and looked at different possibilities. An gem of a person, whom I always cherish as a role model.

I believe we have lost a great individual.


-Abhijeet Kelkar

Dear Richard,

It's been an immense privilege to have met you back in '95 in Brisbane at the ICODP conference and to listen to many of your visionary talks since then, including your keynote at EDOC'97 conference on the Gold Coast - which you have supported from its establishment. I have really enjoyed speaking with you whilst preparing for your keynote for the EDOC's 25th anniversary in '21, when we had a great chat about all the funny and memorable events over these years.

It is above all that your openness, friendship, professionalism and regular birthday wishes have left an endurable impression and influence on me, both personally and professionally.

Thinking of you during this challenging time.

Warm wishes to you and your family.

-Zoran Milosevic

Dear Richard,

With all the shit going on in the world, this hit me the hardest. You are one of the most authentic people I have ever met in this banal industry and I appreciate everything you did for me. You've touched so many lives - I read all the posts so far and so much about your grace and presence has already been eloquently said — I echo all of it. Your passion, intellect and advocacy have helped create and drive an industry. Distributing computing exists largely due to your work and the OMG. I remember the first time meeting you - a corporate enigma, intellectually fierce with a larger than life presence, whimsical sense of humor, and gentle demeanor that set you apart. While I didn't know you as well as others, you always made me feel important and taught me two important lessons: be authentic and never lose the child in you. Your perennial birthday wishes always surprised me (in a good way) and made me smile (it's the reason I spend time every day wishing Facebook friends happy birthday!).

hope someone is able to read you all of these heartfelt messages. You've touched so many lives and made such a difference in the computing industry.

With peace and love,

-Ed Gaudet

My friend, miss our conversations and digging into history on tech and how the 'olden days' were often better. I hope you are comfortable and will always rank as a leading mentor in my career.

-Bill Sell

Dear Richard,

where ever your soul rest in peace, I want you to know, that we all ware proud to know you, and be part of your life,

your last visit at Jerusalem you solved me history mystery of how the Minoen called them self... (the Dona), bringing this wisdom from your previous visit at Turkey - this caricatrise you... always ahead of everyone always the best... in every brain challenge, and as great father and husband to your family.,

me who believe in reincarnation knows that now you rest in brighlent place, till your return home..

rest in peace

-Benny Avigdory

Dear Richard,

I want to thank you for all you have done to establish a global community that has transformed computing and complex systems of systems forever. Serving on the OMG board was indeed a privilege as we all learned about good governance from the master. The Industrial Internet Consortium was yet another community you selflessly and generously established as a foundation for interoperability, productivity and security that will continue to pay dividends for a long time. Your brilliance, kindness and humor (we can all still hear your big, deep laugh) serves as an inspiration to future business and technical leaders. Wishing you the very best. Your colleague and friend.

-Mark Maybury

So many stories to tell. Stumbling upon you by coincidence at our scheduled hotel in Hyderabad. A great bulgogi in Seoul. But perhaps the best memory was spending the evening in Sydney with you and Isabel - a lovely time. Then the next day my flight loses an engine on takeoff. I text you asking "what would Richard do..." and you proceeded to give me a minute-by-minute accounting of what I should expect, and what to do if that didn't happen.

Hang in there, my dear friend...

-Ken Ruben

Richard, it was really a very special moment to talk to you and Isabel a couple of weeks ago. I have so many great stories to tell, starting in 1983 when we first met at MIT in the same department with Arvind and Dennis. We discussed Lisp machines and different computational models. I knew I had met a very brilliant young man. You met my family and became a friend to my family. A friendship that have lasted over all years, so when my daughter Agneta some years ago asked you to come and speak at an Internet of Things conference in Stockholm, you just did it.

When I in 1990 needed a CEO for my US branch of Objectory Inc. you were my first candidate. Unfortunately, I was a little late, you had just accepted the TC role at OMG. Since then you have been OMG faithful all these years and I think everyone that your leadership has lead to that OMG has become what it is today. You selected your team and they didn't disappoint you, on the contrary. As I indicated I have many stories to tell so I will be back.

Warmest regards


Your influence on the technology world is profound. Via your leadership you have helped millions and millions of people all over the world. We all have benefited from your visions, your grace, your tenacity, your ability to reinvent yourself and the technology. You always provided tremendous support to so many , many, many people. Our gratitude towards you is immeasurable.

I fondly recall the passionate discussions and debates we had post-Eclipse Board meetings. But beyond your professional attributes, it's your compassionate human side that stands out. In one of my darkest hours, when my wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, you reached out to comfort me. I am deeply and eternally thankful for that gesture and for all you have done to help humanity

We all thank you! Cheers

-Skip McGaughey

I hold numerous cherished memories and appreciate the myriad ways in which you've left your mark on my life. I fondly remember that journey when we were squeezed into a train from Kyoto to Tokyo, engrossed in lively conversations about our favorite sesquipedalian words, such as "sesquipedalian" itself or "defenestration." Your instruction on crafting paper airplanes still serves me well! :-)

Your guidance about pursuing a PhD until I reached the point of disliking it was remarkably astute. I'm genuinely thankful for your constant support and unwavering encouragement to persevere.

My sincere thoughts and best wishes go out to you and your family.

Warm regards,

-Robert Lario

Hi Richard,

I understand things are tough for you at the moment. I am increasingly aware that getting old comes with many challenges. Fortunately, I do have many great memories of colleagues who contributed to my enjoying life as well as my professional career. You did both. I enjoyed my relationship with OMG and the relationship we in HL7 had with OMG. I think we made the world a better place. I wish you the best, and I thank you for your friendship and your contributions of the industry.

Best Regards,

-Ed Hammond

Like the others, I have a lot of stories and will write and tell some. I remember your speech in Spanish at the Costa Rica conference years ago. I didn't understand a word, of course, but it blew me away that you kept the roaring with laughter the whole time. It's hard to be funny in a foreign language.

And then there's a trip to a NYC meeting two or three days after 9/11. Everyone else was hunkered down -- I mean there were 4 of us on that plane -- but you were determined not to let the bad guys intimidate us. M

I'll get back with more -- meals in Boston and Miami, etc.

Meantime, just a note to let you know I'm thinking of you.

-Paul Harmon

We first met in 1988 and throughout nearly my entire career, you have been a tremendous influence and outstanding friend. I admired your towering intellect as well as your ability to pun without shame. We overuse the term 'visionary', but for you, it is entirely well-earned in a remarkable career.

Of the many quotes from you that I still use, "Don't reuse software, just *use* it" still has currency.

My thoughts and best wishes for you and your family.

-Brad Kain


First time I met you I was struck by your impressive height. I quickly realized not only were you a giant of a man physically but a highly gifted and diversified intellectual. But the most striking characteristic you possess is a gentle and compassionate soul.

I have appreciated your outstanding leadership, our conversations and your friendship.

I would use a very simple title to describe you: A Gentle Giant!

-Ben Calloni

Dear Richard,

You have touched me, my family , my friends , the two companies I represented on the AB and BOD of OMG - Unisys initially and then IBM , our industry and 100s and 1000s of customers worldwide with your leadership , passion , drive and collaborative instinct that made distributed computing , Model Driven Development for IT and Businesses possible .

You also transformed so many people with your help, coaching and leadership.

You are a true friend that has touched us and it is tough to see you enduring this journey.

My prayers, thanks and best wishes to you and your loved ones at home and the OMG family to bring you comfort , strength, care and love.

Take care, hang in there and wishing you the very best.

-Sridhar Iyengar, IBM Diatinguished Engineer and Friend and Richard's mentee for almost three decades


Your influence over so many innovations and transformations has been so great over the years that it would be hard to do justice to them. Plus, if I start mentioning things you've done starting many years ago, this would contradict your preferred way of presenting your history with OMG, which typically starts with "when OMG was founded in 1989, when I was 3 years old..." ;-)

In fact, it is that wicked sense of humor, tinged with self-deprecating sarcasm (hard to ignore given the booming voice in which it was expressed), that has been for me a durable marker of your larger-than-life personality. And I'm probably not the only one who found this the most endearing aspect of your personality.

I'm sorry that you can't be traveling the world anymore, "selling" the value of standards to people high and low, and typing up the content of a hundred business cards on the flight back, taking pains to clarify for the less world-savvy Marketing folks which part of a double-barreled Hispanic name should be used to index it. This amazing capability was only tempered by your total inability to correctly pronounce French words (except my name, for some odd reason).

I could go on -- after all, it is hard if not impossible to embarrass you. I just want to say that there are a number of good people at and around OMG who are keen to make sure that what you started continues to bring progress to the world of information systems. We're carrying the torch, and it has your name on it!

-Claude Baudoin


So many good memories of our time working together, lots of good food, good travel, challenging missions, interesting conversations... always sprinkled with laughter. One of the many things I admired was your determination to remember each of the many, many people you worked with and your clever methods for recalling faces and details.

While many can point to your endless contributions to the computer industry, what always struck me was your ability to forge relationships and encourage people to work together for common goals. Not just another brilliant technologist but a rare gem of a techie people person.

Even though I left the industry many years ago I could always look forward to a happy birthday message each year, a kindness that always touched me deeply.

Thinking of you my friend, with much love,

-Karen Johnson,

Dear Richard,

One of the key reasons I brought the AREA into the OMG family was talking with you. I enjoyed your company, intellect, wide-ranging set of subjects, your passion for technology and AR, and sense of fun.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to meet again when the AREA joined OMG, as I'm sure I would have learned so much from you.

Thank you for the time we spent. I will always remember your council, insights, and friendship.

Kindest thoughts

-Mark Sage, Executive Director of the AR for Enterprise Alliance (AREA)

Hi Richard-

I wanted to reach out and let you know that I am deeply saddened today by the news of your current health situation. You are a brilliant, charismatic, multilingual and humorous visionary leader that has made OMG successful for so long! You should be proud of everything you have accomplished!

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you(two-times!) at OMG.

I am sending prayers and good thoughts to you and the rest our your family.

Stay positive!


-Paul Lombardi

Dear Richard,

This is Tracie Berardi writing. I wanted to let you know that I loved working at OMG and I am truly grateful for the opportunity. You and Bill created a great environment at OMG for employees and members. What an adventure it was supporting Dr. Bill Curtis, Lev Lesokhin, Joe Jarzombek, (...the CISQ group slowly but surely expanded!..) at CISQ, as well as John Meegan from IBM and the crew at CSCC, and of course Ken Ruben with BPM+ Health. I have the best memories. I just wanted you to know that. You always bring great energy and intelligence into the room, Richard. I am honored to know you.

Sending a hug,

-Tracie Berardi

Richard, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I sincerely enjoyed working with you at OMG. Much was accomplished under your leadership. You truly touched my life in a positive way. I sincerely appreciated how you have remembered my birthday each year and the kind birthday wishes sent my way. Best to you and your family.

Thank you.

-John Edmondson

Richard my friend,

Your story inspired me. We first met at IoTSWC and felt deeply honored for the opportunity to chat about what was important to you, the future and the OMG family. I was moved by your dry wit, insights and deep vibrato - truly, truly enjoyed our conversations!

With deep admiration my friend, keep up the good fight.

-Scott MacKenzie

Richard: It is so nice to see your face in this picture. There was never a time in the many many years of our relationship that you did not do the right thing for me personally and for whatever organization I was representing. You are a giant of a man to me and to many others.

There was a time when your giant towered over me and told that even I couldn't fix a problem that I had signed on do. Nevertheless you supported me 100% and years later you and Bill congratulated me for doing it. But, it wasn't me. It was your leadership and friendship that allowed it to happen.

Always wishing you well,

-Dennis Wisnosky

Hope things work out for you.

-Richard Halter

Thank you Richard for all you have done for the industry and for me personally. I have admired you for many years my friend.


Judith Hurwitz

Richard, with a deep regret I heard that you have entered the hospice area. When I thought about, I recognized that you have nearly accompanied my whole professional life. First, as a young research scientist working im the area of network and systems management you supported me in in being a panelist at a workshop during an OMG meeting in Dublin. I was so proud of having you on board. Then, after many years, I met you again in Berlin and, to my astonishment, you still recognized me and called me by name. A ginat man with a giant personal memory! And finally, we shaked hand at the Hannover Trade Fair some years ago bridging the organizational gap between IIC and the German Platform Industrie 4.0.

I wish you all the best, power and hope! I will remember you, appreciate your personality and your great achievements!

-Thomas Usländer, Fraunhofer IOSB, Germany

Dear Richard,

For me you have always been the personification of OMG.

In particular, I remember your much appreciated banquet speech at our MODELS 2010 conference in Oslo. The speech emphasized the close links between the standardization efforts and academia in the fields of UML and numerous other modeling initiatives.

Thanks again for making a huge impact on our field.

Yours sincerely,

-Öystein Haugen, General chair of MODELS 2010, and long time OMG participant from several different OMG members

Dear Richard,

I hope this letter finds you surrounded by peace and comfort. I’ve been thinking a lot about the first time we met, back at the start of the millennium. It was during those initial OCUP certification preparation courses I offered at the OOP conference in Munich. I vividly remember the pride and joy on the faces of the successful candidates as they received their certificates directly from you. Your presence was profound and has left a lasting impression on me. Ever since then, I've always looked forward to the opportunity of experiencing your company at various conferences.

One of my most cherished memories is of the time you wrote the foreword for one of my books. You beautifully illustrated the complexity of our engineering world by likening it to a Boeing 747, describing it as a "collection of 6 million parts flying in close formation." This analogy not only showcases your expertise but also your wonderful sense of humor. Now, whenever I'm on a plane, I think of you and can't help but smile.

These moments we've shared have been invaluable to me, and I am truly grateful for them. Thank you for being a source of inspiration and joy for so many people.

With warm regards and affection,

-Tim Weilkiens

What Is Success?

To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the approbation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty;

To find the best in others;

To give of one's self;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition;

To have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived -

This is to have succeeded

--- by Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote from a former resident of your next town over seems to have been written with you in mind - from the respect to the laughter and singing. Thinking of you, Richard

-Meg Duncan


It has been a real honor to work with you over the years first on the IIC consortium when I was CTO of Schneider Electric and more recently the DTC consortium in my current role as CTO of Ansys. I have always appreciated your passionate leadership on these topics.

I wish you all the best.

-Prith Banerjee, CTO Ansys

Dear Richard,

I will use another's words to describe the impact you have made on me and so many others.

A life well lived is a precious gift
Of hope and strength and grace,
From someone who has made our world
A brighter, better place
It's filled with moments, sweet and sad
With smiles and sometimes tears,
With friendships formed and good times shared
And laughter through the years.
A life well lived is a legacy
Of joy and pride and pleasure,
A living, lasting memory
Our grateful hearts will treasure

-Mary Kratz

Dear Richard,

My dear friend, I wish you all the best. I want to thank you for all you have done for me throughout the years. The whole OMG family is dearly missing you, missing your scientific leadership and wisdom that inspired us all. But I miss also your personal leadership and spirit that made the OMG a very special place to be during my almost 30 years of membership.

Thank you for everything. You will always be in my thoughts, and your baritone voice will keep sounding in my mind...

Very warm regards,

- Manfred Koethe

Always look on the bright side of life.

-Carol David

Richard - I truly hope that you are gruntled at all of the outpouring of support and appreciation. We are all blivious to the impact that you have made in a long and storied career, and are better for it. Thanks to your efforts, systems the world over are more bobulated than they have ever been. You are and have been a true inspiration, and I don't think I have ever made a more genuous statement.

Switching to a serious tone, thank you for the opportunities to learn this tradecraft from the best, for entrusting and saying yes to long-shots with the potential to do good, and for your intellect, humour, sarcasm, and genuine good heart. The world is a better place for your efforts, and I a better person. Thank you.

- Ken Rubin

My first meeting as Tech Director for the OMG, Wednesday night, and the reception crowd is rowdy. I need to make announcements. "Excuse me..." Nothing. *taps mic" Nothing.

What Would Richard Do

I stand on a chair to be tall enough (even 6'3" is not enough for this), drop my voice an octave and bellow out "YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE".

Instant silence.

Richard, your model can only be approximated, never duplicated.

It has been a true pleasure being a part of OMG over the years. The impact you have on so many – including myself – cannot be understated on any metric, and that impact will continue for many years to come. I will continue to ponder WWRD, and expect that your voice will be providing deep, booming guidance often.

With many thanks, and deep respect,

-Jason Smith


I am deeply saddened in hearing that you are looking at your final days with us. You have been a major influence on many people over the years, and I count myself among them. Your leadership and guidance over the years has meant a great deal to me. I like to think that I have become a better leader on account of what I learned from you.

Thank you; you will be deeply missed.

-Richard Beatch

We first met in 2005 at my first OMG TC meeting in September of that year, where you welcomed me into your OMG family with open arms. From that moment on and throughout my career you have been an incredible mentor and friend. I know I speak for many of my OMG colleagues in that you have been the stalwart, steering the organisation though many challenges and triumphs.

CORBA UML SysML BPMN UAF DDS, and the many other TLAs we now take for granted, owe their success to your vision, leadership, intellect, and - just you.

Many have already chimed in about your incredible intellect, as represented by your unmatched wit! Richard, I have you to thank for kickstarting my jetlagged brain, during many an OMG TC week, struggling to find a worthy comeback! :)

Be it known that: 1) I use your container standards story...
2) I, too, have saved companies money simply turning off servers....
3) I have also cost companies money simply turning off servers. In this instance I just claim that 'this is what Richard would do....' :)

My thoughts and love to you and your family.

Thank you for pioneering our industry.
Thank you for shaping me - and my many OMG colleagues - into the people we are today.
Thank you for visiting downunder.
Thank you, Richard.

-Sam Mancarella (that Italian bloke from Australia...)

Dear Richard,

I've met you in several HL7 International meetings in the contest of the HSSP project. You immediately surprised me with your empathy. You looked like a better "Italian" than I can be. But what struck me was your irrepressible passion and vision. These are your weapons. As much as you can, use it!

-Stefano Lotti

Richard - it was wonderful to get to know you through IIC events over the years. I remember our discussions over lunch about Elisabeth Friedman a few years ago. These days, I get to see Alex at Forrester quite often (we're not on the same team but are in the same group), and we do talk about you often.

Thank you for everything you've done for the industry. You're in our thoughts.

-Sandy Carielli

Dear Richard,

There are those first encounters you never forget. Like the one I had with you in Noordwijk at ESA ESTEC. You shared valuable insights and were immediately accessible through your wonderful and intelligent sense of humor. Not to mention your knowledge of history and languages in Europe, which opened doors in many countries. I got to experience this in the Netherlands and Belgium in my Borland and PNA days. Thank you for all the enriching and enjoyable get togethers in Berlin, Amsterdam and Brussels.

I am grateful that I got to know you, Richard.

With warm regards and affection,

- Serge Gouders

Dear Richard,

I just heard about about your current situation. Throughout our time knowing each other, I've always admired your strength, vision, and the positive impact you've had on me and so many throughout the years. During this challenging time, I want you to know that you're not alone. My thoughts, love, and support are with you. Your legacy is profound, and you'll always hold a special place in my thoughts.

-Doug Schmidt

My dear Richard,

I can't imagine how a man like you, a natural communicator, can be trapped insided your brain. You are and always were a role model to me, And I really appreciate all the efforts you made to keep track of all the progress we're doing here in Brazil and I am really thankful for the invites you made to me to talk about SOA in healthcare in Brazil. It was such a great and unforgettable experience, that shaped the person who I am today. I will always think of you, but I don't think you did it only for business purposes, I really think you are a beacon.

So I'm sorry if I don't have the adequate words, English is not my first language, but I think you can understand the feelings I'm trying to share.

-Jussara Rotzsch

Richard, it was such an honor to join OMG and have the opportunity to work with you on IOTSWC. I remember fondly the first time I met with you to hear your ideas about potential speakers. Your mind was a literal Tech Rolodex, complete with OMG membership numbers!

One of my fondest memories is from our first Virtual Staff Happy Hour during the Covid lockdown. We were all supposed to dress up in costumes and set appropriate backgrounds on Teams. You joined the call in a Hawaiian shirt with a tropical backdrop, introducing yourself as Richard Beatch! Your humor never failed to bring much-needed laughter and joy to our team.

Thinking of you with deep respect and sending best wishes to you and your family.

-Bonnie Gordon


I'm thinking of you knowing you are surrounded in comfort and love by so many whose lives you've touched.

OMG Registration 2008-2010

Richard -

Thanks so much for your spirit of networking, networking, networking.

-David Eddy

When I first started working to standardize financial industry concepts, you generously invited me to the next OMG meeting in Ottawa. I wasn't able to make it as I had to be elsewhere to get it moving but as soon as we were ready you welcomed us to the OMG and made the whole thing possible. In the OMG our industry, like so many others, found a home and a family.

-Mike Bennett

Hola Richard,

Más que decirte lo importante que has sido para la tecnología y el increíble trabajo que hicimos juntos en el IIC, me acuerdo de tu risa y tus ocurrencias, tu figura de gigante que llena de alegría allá donde vas. Y tu legado no solo se mide en códigos y proyectos, sino en las vidas que has tocado, en las risas que has compartido y en los momentos inolvidables que hemos vivido juntos. Aunque estés pasando por un momento difícil, quiero que sepas que siempre estarás en nuestros corazones y pensamientos. Como dijo Pablo Neruda: "Podrán cortar todas las flores, pero no podrán detener la primavera." Confío en que, con el tiempo, encontrarás tu camino de regreso a la luz y a la alegría que siempre has llevado dentro. Estamos aquí para ti, sabiendo que de algún modo tu risa volvera a resonar con la misma fuerza y alegría de siempre. Con todo mi cariño y apoyo

-Jesus molina, Former chair, Cybersecurity at IIC

Richard, I consider myself lucky to have had the chance to work with you over the years. My involvement with OMG has been one of the more satisfying activities of my career and I'm certain that's due in no small part to your vision, enthusiasm, and ability to bring people together - your personality permeated the organization. I'll remember happy hours and chairs dinners fondly and I'll never forget sitting in a DC restaurant with you and Larry while the US government's chief architect explained his thoughts on architecture and asked "What's your graphic?" Not "architecture" or "framework", but "graphic." Larry and I were at a loss but you soldiered through it and managed to keep the conversation going. We laughed (sadly) about it afterwards and realized we had a long hill to climb but your enthusiasm and support made it a much easier road.

Thank you for that and everything else you've done over the years.

-John Butler

Dearest Dr Soley, The OMG changed my life, and it is a great honour to have been involved particularly with SysML for over two decades. My advocacy for the SysML technology in Australia - based on my own positive experiences with SysML for MBSE - has at times been a tough battle, but I never swayed, because it works, and now it is really getting traction here. I also use UML alongside much of my software development. Standards and specifications are an important encapsulation of human knowledge. You demonstrated actual vision, you have achieved great things for the planet Earth, and you have inspired many other to also contribute in like kind, as far as our own gifts allow.

My thoughts are with you and your loved ones.

-"Dr Darren", Webel IT Australia

It was a great privilege to work with you at OMG for 20 years. The stream of ideas that you generated and industry contacts that you made kept us all on our toes, and made working at OMG a stimulating and unforgettable experience. Your dry sense of humour livened up every discussion, and your razor-sharp intellect solved many a thorny problem. The architecture for cooperation that you originated guided OMG participants from across the world for decades as they worked on shared IT standards, fostering cooperation without stifling innovation.

There's so much more that could be said, but I hope you can draw comfort now from knowing how widely you're respected and how many lives and livelihoods you've enhanced.

With my very best wishes,

-Andrew Watson

Hi Richard,

I want to tell you that one of my most vivid memories was on September 11. You and I had breakfast with an OMG member (I can't even remember who it was!) I can see us leaving the hotel restaurant in Toronto, walking into the lobby when Carl came running up to us saying a plane had hit the tower. The rest of that week was a blurr as we gathered together glued to the TV and later figuring out how we were all going to get home. As hard as it was to be away from home, I know it gave us all great comfort knowing we were with our OMG family. You were the glue, along with Bill, holding us together. The rest of the memories are much better-the opportunity to travel together-the laughs in the office-and the lifelong friendships. Thank you. You were a wonderful boss. I loved all my years at OMG and I love you!

Thinking about you and Isabel, and the kids (can't call them "children" anymore!).

-Cindy (McComiskey) Cedrone

Dear Richard. I am one of many that your care and thoughtfulness shaped my life. My professional career would be completely different if not for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

-Jean Pierre LeJacq

Dear Richard - you and your family are in our prayers. Allow me to borrow the words of GBS to paint my picture of what I think of you (below). I know it is a long quote and I am so sorry for annoying you so many times with my long emails and even more with my exasperating verbosity on powerpoint presentations - it is an ineluctable trait in me - so here is the final long quote:

"This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it what I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations." (GBS)

Best regards to Mrs. Isabel Soley, Professor Micheline Soley & Mr. Alex Soley.

Best wishes to the OMG and IIC team for pursuing the grand challenges.

-Shoumen Palit Austin Datta

Richard, I'm grateful to know you and thankful for the short period of time we spend working together. I'm honored to be part of your legacy and pray you find peace and comfort. You should be proud of all you've achieved.

-Christopher Corso

Hey Richard and family,

I know you will appreciate the black humor: hope you killing it :-)

Seriously, I hope you in the best possible comfort and I'm remembering fondly all the great times we shared over the years.

Absolute best regards.

-Annrai O'Toole


I hope your current situation is made a little better knowing how many people you have influenced and inspired over the years. True success in life is not measured in dollars, titles or professional accolades, but in the footprints you have made in the lives of other people and the impact you have had on their personal and professional journeys. That, in my opinion, is true immortality.

-Tim Scannell

I wanted you to know how you have inspired me on a personal level. Co-founding the OMG achievements go without saying, creating THE international, widely-used forum for the standards that most systems/software engineers use in many domains. On a personal level, I have been in awe of your ability to communicate on so many levels, with so many people (and in many languages). In my case, no matter how much time has transpired, you remember my small family, activities,...everything. I don't know how you do it. I wanted to let you know I am thinking about you too. If you'd like to talk, anytime, my number is the same - 603-566-0124 (but you probably remembered that too).

-Jeffrey Smith

Richard is deeply missed but his vision and energy remain a driving force for the OMG. The impact of the OMG on products and services across the globe is enormous. His vision and energy coupled with his wit and warmth created an environment that made us feel part of the OMG family and enabled us to share experiences that has enriched us all. Thank you, Richard.

-Sanford Friedenthal

Dear Richard,

It has been a real honor to work with you over the years at the IIC consortium when I incubated the IIoT services at Infosys and Wipro. You are family, a role model, kindheart who stands tall, a dear friend to everyone of us you touched. Witty and humble, you knew my family's birthdays better than me :-). We wish you all the best and pray for your well being. Strength to family and Lots of Love Dr Soley.

-Jayraj Nair & family

One of my favorite memories was not related to technology, adoption or committees. It was being with Richard for a presentation on the SOA Consortium in NYC. It was a rare event for the two of us to share an evening together like that.

We arrived the night before, and with Richard's coaxing we headed to the Carnegie Deli for a dinner beyond compare!

We were like two kids as we ordered their monster pastrami and corned beef sanwiches, and ate our way through most of these foot high sandwiches. To this day I still think of the sheer fun we have that night..

Thank you Richard!

-Dana Morris

I am grateful for the opportunity to have known, worked with, learned from Richard over the last three decades. He will leave an extraordinary legacy. One that is impossible for any single individual to full understand, but that spans many different communities.

-Nathaniel Palmer

So many emotions flooded my mind when I received the news that you were in hospice. I hope you realize what a positive influence your advice and support has had on so very many people. You are (quite literally) a giant of a man - and I am saddened to hear of your illness. Beyond your obvious intellect and skill for business, your humanity and gift for making those you worked with feel valued and respected is rare. Certainly my career would have been quite different if you had not nurtured the OMG community (and offered encouragement to me) all those years. Your support when I left corporate america to start a business focused on CORBA services (and later products) was unwaivering. Your path is a part of my story and I will be forever grateful for the environment you nurtured that allowed me to collaborate and have long-lasting friendships with incredible technical talent from all over the world. I will miss your welcoming smile when our paths crossed, your quick (and often sarcastic) wit, and my yearly birthday wishes which just kept coming all these years after we no longer had active business involvment. God speed, my friend. Save a spot for me in your heavenly circle.

-Carol Burt

Dear Richard,

I have been thinking about you lately. Obviously, it's been many, many years since we worked together. You were incredibly generous with your knowledge and patient with a kid right out of college who had no technical experience what so ever.

I wish you and your family the best.

-Kelley Kassa


Writing not to share memories, but to tell you that I always thought you were a prince of a man. And you introduced me to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, for which I will always be grateful.


-Judy (Mintz)


From those early days at LCS, through the startup drama at A.I. Architects and beyond, I've always been impressed with your humor, kindness and of course undeniable intelligence.

I always appreciated your annual birthday note, and the periodic lunch catch-ups we had. Always hoped to meet up with you in South America, but alas, that never happened.

My thoughts and best wishes are with you.

-Steve Lewin-Berlin

Dear Richard,

You are the reason Nick and I have joined OMG family! You are the reason Nick and I have stayed 22 continuous years in the OMG family – even through transition between 2 companies and hard times!! You helped us getting over that difficult transition with your understanding and generosity. For you this was a "regular day in the office", for us this was a big deal: business-wise it was make it or brake it! And we've made it with your support. It's hard to forget someone who gave us so much to remember!!

With much love,

-Nick and Djenana

Richard: You spread complete delight. These are momentous technologies, amazing to be a part of, but it's not the same without some fun along the way! Can't thank you enought for all of that.

-Jack Vaughan

Hummingboards... & beyond! story-by-story thx OMG...great-FULL (thx)!

-Stan Curtis


There is no way to overstate the impact and lift you have added to my life. You welcomed me into your circle at MIT, and together we took on so many challenges and navigated both the hallways and the politics to lift each other up. You are brilliant, fair, honest, and always always seeing the good in people and situations. We celebrated at each other's weddings and marked so many of the milestones since. I cherish you and am infinitely blessed in sharing the planet with you and your family. Be at peace, my friend.

-John Gonzalez

We had OMG TC Meeting Helsinki 2002 and co-hosted with late president of Finland, Nobel Peace Laureate Martti Ahtisaari's CMI office a conference on IT and Crisis Management.

Despite of being quite a different personalities, Martti and Richard shared a common nominator: ability to bring the people on a table and negotiate and agree on something they deeply disagreed in the beginning. And I think that is one major thing on OMG's success.

Richards warmth, empathy and stunning sense of humor are the attributes I will remember always.

All my best wishes, my dear friend!

-Harri Kreus

DearRichard, it was a pleasure meeting you several times in Stuttgart and during Hannover Fair. IIC is an outstanding initiative and the success is a result of your outstanding capabilities andyour personality. Steinbeis is very proud to be a part of. I We are very sad to hear that your health is affected in this way. Our thoughts are with you.


-Ralf Lauterwasser


All I can really say is thank you.

Your vision and leadership at the OMG made a real difference in so many lives and so many companies. My company RTI, like many others, would likely not exist without the OMG's reliable, open forum for developing standards and industry directions. There are precious few places where so many dedicated professions cooperate (well, usually) to mature technologies and create markets. It's impossible to even start to list all the contributions.

"Things are coming together." Indeed.

And the output matters. OMG standards touch the lives of millions of people every day. The array of impact is vast: middleware, system design, industry architecture, tools, languages, and more. Trains would not run, planes would not fly, system software would not work, and industries would not cooperate without the OMG influence.

It matters.

I learned so much from you personally, especially serving on the IIC Steering Committee, from the nuances of Robert's Rules to the challenges of big-company and industry politics to what it means to be a friend. I really appreciate your leadership and support.

And we did so many things and went so many places together! China, Japan, Germany, Finland, Boston, DC. The IIC and IoTSWC and innumerable other places and events. You carried the stage and communicated the vision like few can. I never tired of watching you, even after hearing the same jokes 10, 20, 50? times...

It's hard to think of not seeing you again. I will miss you.

We are all here for only a brief flash. Words and memories and time itself cannot express the meaning in that flash. But although quick, life's flash is not meaningless.

Together, our flashes illuminate a future that we will never see. Everyone can contribute. But only a very few can combine the flashes of thousands of others into a very bright light. Your light brightened my life, those of the thousands who experienced the OMG or the many other venues you energized, and the millions more who use the products and systems they developed. In the end, all we can really hope is to leave the world brighter than we found it.

You did.

Thank you.

-Stan Schneider

Richard --

You've been in my thoughts since learning of your choice of hospice care. That wonderful laugh of yours is always the first thing that comes to mind.


-Fred Waskiewicz

Hello Richard,

I still remember the first time we met and the conference we presented at. Your charisma and charming the audience were amazing. I always wanted OPC and OMG to tightly collaborate primarily because of your leadership and visionary direction.

We had the opportunity to meet many times over the years, and I always cherished our conversations. You clearly touched my life.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

-Thomas Burke

Richard Soley is a person who epitomizes excellence in education, international business acumen, interpersonal connections, and empathy. Over the past decade, he has demonstrated these remarkable qualities to both the executive team at First Line Software, its employees and clients. He has also been a cherished friend, trusted advisor, guiding mentor, visionary leader, and above all, a genuinely humble person.

Richard always has time for everyone. He is there to assist with both professional and personal issues to those of us who have come to know and work with him. To our CEO he always sent a nice card on his wedding anniversary. To others we are always surprised when we get simple yet wonderful personal emails on our birthdays. He responds to every query within hours – seemingly a lost art in this fast-paced world. Small details but they say a lot about who Richard is.

Despite the small relative size of our company, Richard advised us with the experience and vision of one who grew up at the inception of the computer. The institutional knowledge he gained from being there at 'the creation' of the digital world informed everything that came after and allowed him to see over the horizon for what was to come.

Richard is truly a visionary. For individuals of a specific generation, we recall the profound influence that the Object Management Group had on the standardization of technology in the heyday of proprietary platforms and technologies. His foresight with the Industrial Internet Consortium was equally remarkable, anticipating the impact of the Internet of Things.

His wisdom transcends technology. Richard knew for the IIC to succeed it had to make space for small companies like ours, and that we should have a 'seat at the table' – not a novel idea but known more for its avoidance than its adherence in those days. One can only wonder what Richard's perspective on Artificial Intelligence and what he would advise.

Richard could be somewhat imposing in his substantial educational accomplishments, his big physical stature, and his even bigger but most memorable laugh! Yet to see him interact with his lovely and accomplished wife, Isabel, and his children is to see and be in awe of a humble man.

Richard spoke at our small client Summits, which held monumental significance for us, even though they might have seemed like modest huddles to someone accustomed to addressing audiences of thousands.

This humility also extends to friends and acquaintances. Richard and his wife joined my wife and I on our small boat on the Merrimack River (it was only when Richard stepped onto my boat that I realized how small it really was) and then to dine at a picnic table with fried clams. That moment was as precious to both of them than any time they might have spent on a 200-foot yacht. At least he convinced me of that.

Richard is a good friend to First Line Software and to me. We will forever be humbled by that.

My colleagues and I pray for his calm passage in the coming journey.

Sincerely and on behalf of all Richard's friends and the Management Team at First Line Software,

-Mike Medaglia

Hi Richard,

When I was hired at OMG back in 2007, I believe it took almost a month before we were able to meet in person. That corner office was always empty. I kept asking if you ever planned on stopping in. The response was "He's somewhere in the world right now..." He's working the world, making connections is what I was told, seemingly tracked only by the timestamps on your trip report emails. How could someone enjoy spending that much time on the road? And then I met you in person.

The buzz in the office was that "Richard is coming in today." and I was a bit unsure of what to expect. I planned on a quick Hi to the new guy. Instead, I loooked up... as you started right in on a quick joke. Then came that Richard laugh. That's all the welcome I needed. And that also started all these years of being wished a Happy Birthday before any of my family members!

At the Wednesday Member Receptions, one of my tasks was to track you down and hand you the microphone to do housekeeping announcements. If I found it difficult to locate you in a crowd of 300 people, yeah, I know, just look up... I would just stand still and listen. Then wait for that laugh...

Every introduction, every meeting, every interaction included that laugh.

My thoughts are with you, Isabel, and the kids as you fight through this recent setback. We're all wishing you the very best.

We all need more of that laugh in our lives...

-Mike Narducci

Dear Richard,

Where to start? I vividly remember our first meeting, when I heard you, well before I saw you, telling stories and laughing away in a meeting room in Reston. Over the years, I always had the same reaction: When you entered a room, it was as if someone turned on the overhead lights and turned up the volume. It was electrifying and energizing to be in your orbit.

I loved our conversations: your stories, your ideas and your way of explaining things. You easily led the conversation with any audience on any topic – from IATI codes to IIoT security - but you really shone when you talked about your family, when your eyes would sparkle with pride and love.

It was a privilege to work for you and with you to launch and build the IIC. You created a movement that changed the industrial world; in that one slice of time, industry took a giant leap forward with you leading the charge.

My favorite memory is of you sitting in the dunk tank at an OMG summer party, laughing away while we all took aim. Thank you for making a memorable splash in my life in so many ways.

I wish you peace in these hard days,

-Lynne Canavan


I'm so saddened to hear your not well.

I have known you for many years and many Residential transactions. I feel blessed to have known you and have admired you for decades.

My thoughts & prayers to you and your family during this difficult time!

-Bill Riley


I have missed seeing you while praying for a better outcome for you and I am so truly sorry for what you have been through. I've held Bill's hand and tried to be a comfort to him while he's agonized over your illness. He values your friendship immensely and longs for those days of flinging puns across the conference room table. As Isabel has said, it was a good run. It is truly amazing what you and the OMG family have achieved over the years.

Bill is always sharing his stories of you, him, OMG and before. Fate has been kind to me - aren't I the lucky one to be his audience while he goes on and on telling and re-telling! Seriously, Richard. I am.

My hope is that you are at peace and spend some quality time with your beloved Isabel, Micheline and Alex, they have and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as well.

I wish you Godspeed. Until we meet again.


-Joanne Hoffman

Thank you for your inspiration and leadership in developing standards for the software industry. You have made a major contribution to making it easier to communicate and collaborate when creating new systems and products.

-Richard Menard

Robert Louis Stevenson said "A friend is a present you give yourself."

Richard, you've been the gift who keeps on giving to so many of us around the world in tech. Knowing you for over 30+ years as a friend and trusted advisor has been a privilege. I hope you know how much I have valued your insights and appreciated your humor, and the thoughtful annual birthday messages, too.

-Adrian Bowles

The most exciting, fun, stimulating time of my career was when I got to work with you, Richard, in changing the world. Sometimes I still wonder how much faster/better things would have been if OASIS had merged with OMG back in 2001. Or if I had immediately accepted your generous job offer.

It has been my privilege and honor to know you. Your annual birthday messages keep me mindful of the sheer good fortune in my life to have worked alongside someone whose powerful combination of intellect and kindness made not just the IT world, but the world at large, better. For you, interoperable isn't just a tech thing, it's a people thing, it's a philosophy. One you inspired me to adopt. Thank you.

-Laura Walker

I never did like you since we first met at the Long Branch NJ meeting.

I never liked the way you would send me a yearly happy birthday email.

I never liked the way you always wished me a Happy Christmas instead of that Merry Christmas shite.

I never liked you building an organisation where a big mouth from a small Irish company had an equal voice along side industry giants.

I could go on but I just remembered that I should never say never, so delete that word in the above.

What great memories to have!

-Martin Chapman

Richard, it is has been my pleasure to work with you all those years ago in the early days of the OMG, even before we started arguing about Business Objects (what are they, anyway?). I always appreciated the birthday note from you every year, and the sense of humor and enthusiasm you brought to all you did.

my best regards,

-Oisin Hurley

Hey Richard,

I knew things weren't well when I stopped receiving my annual happy birthday mail from you. When we touched base, I was alarmed to hear about the change in your health. I was hoping for the best, but very sad to hear that you are now in hospice. Such a great mind and great person to be struggling this early in life. My heart goes out to you and your family. I hope you're not in pain and feel lucky to have known you. Godspeed, my friend.

-Paul Gross

Thanks Richard for always being encouraging, and drawing me in to launch new RFPs, standing for AB, and TF chairs, no matter how young I was, or how weird my haircuts were... and even dragging me along with him when the big-wigs were going for expensive dinners in exotic locales.... My OMG experiences made me who am now... in a personal and professional way.

You are a mensch!

-Keith Duddy

Richard, good morning.

You always found time to review the material, listen to the ideas, think hard on them and offer invaluable insight to the work at ImpactLABS.

Your input added great value, your public support proved invaluable to so many, me included.

Sharing the floor with you at MIT a few years ago during an innovation symposium was a lifelong highlight. You were generous, as always.

I hope you are enjoying the New England transition to late fall with its crisper breezes and brighter, if shorter, sunlight streaming through thinner trees.

Looking forward to reading your next.

Thank you for your support in years past.

-Chris Rezendes

You sir are a giant among men. While my opportunities to be in your presence were too few, the impact you had on me and through me were astounding. I thank you for all you have done for so many for so long. Through you I met many others who were of your kind but you were the one. Stand tall my friend, you've done ever so well.

-Andy Bond


You probably do not remember me, but our brief encounter really left a significant mark in my life. I met you by coincidence on a flight from Madrid to Boston about 10 years ago. I was early in my career and frazzled from being late from a flight transfer, but your general kindness towards me on that flight I will always remember. We had wonderful conversations and exchanged a few emails after in plans to visit you and your family in Boston, and we even briefly crossed paths at the IOTSWC some five years later.

You really showed me how executives can also lead with heart and this has inspired me in my career. Thank you for setting the world an example.

-Elisa Rönkä

Hi Richard

Many years ago, I came across UML and model-driven development I just fell in love with it. So, when I got the chance to meet you at an OMG meeting in the late 1990s, it was like meeting the wizard behind the curtain. Later, we would run into each other at Gartner conferences, and I looked forward to hearing what new standards or technology you and the OMG were championing.

You have given me a lot of sage advice over the years. My interest in Digital Twins directly resulted from a conversation with you; now, I consult on it.

Your influence on our industry is immense, and that's not something I would not say lightly, but, in your case, Richard, it's true.

See you on the other side.

-Dave Norton

Richard, you have significantly helped shape the course of the industrial industry and contributed many things to the IoT space that many will benefit from, for decades to come. Thank you! I wish you all the best.

-Erich Barnstedt


I write this with a mind filled with memories of the remarkable journey you have led in data standards. Your work with the Object Management Group (OMG) has not just been a career; it has been a global movement that has transformed how we understand and interact with technology. Your contributions to developing data exchange standards have provided a framework upon which countless systems are built.

I, along with many others whose lives you've touched, am grateful for the path you've paved with such foresight. Though words often fall short of expressing the full extent of one's respect. You have truly made the world a better place, not just through your work, but through your positive attitude and willingness to help.

With the most profound admiration and heartfelt gratitude, I send you and the whole family a Big Norwegian Viking Hug your way.

-Liv Watson

Dear Richard,

it has been an honor to meet a fellow MIT alum, that impacted to industry as much as you did. I especially appreciated your energy, openness to new ideas and your friendly manner to have conversations, that I had the pleasure to experience during my time being active in the Industrial Internet Consortium and also when we met on the MIT campus.

Besides your professional acomplishments, you are an amazing person and role model.

Thank you very much for what you did for the industry and the positive influence you had on me. I will keep the fond memories of my interactions with you in mind forever.

Greetings from Munich

-Peter Klement

Hi Richard,

I wish to thank you for all that you gave me, personally and professionally. You gave me an opportunity to grow in a role that seemed like it might be a good fit, but in which I was untested. You gave me the opportunity to see the world, appreciate different cultures and find the common threads across cultural boundaries. You allowed me to see first-hand what it is to be an evangelist - one with grace, humor, deep intellect, respect for all, kindness and purpose.

You have made a lasting, positive impression on so many people, and your and Bill's partnership in OMG has impacted the technology industry in such important, foundational and long-lasting ways.

Thank you for taking me as your +1 to galas and for making me feel as though I made a difference.

Continue to share the love and pride you so obviously feel about your wonderful family and rest knowing that you have made the world a better place.

In gratitude and prayer,

-Kathy Walsh

Hi Richard - It has been an absolute honor to know you for at least 25 years! You made a profound impact on our industry many times over. OMG, UML, BPMN, IoT COnsortium, Digital Twins, the list goes on and on.

Your ready smile and positive optimistic outlook always is a shining light for me. Whenever we met, at a tradeshow, passing in an airport, or in your offices, I came away marveling at your visionary, yet practical take on the market. I learned so much from you.

Thank you for your friendship all these years! And of course the annual birthday wish. One year I thanked you for the birthday wish and here was your very witty response:

Are you kidding? I wake up every morning wondering, is TODAY Les' birthday? Once a year the answer is yes :-)

May you and your family be blessed for many years to come!


-Les Yeamans


Thank you for your numerous contributions to our shared technology for global communication and cooperation.

-Ralph Swick, CEO (interim), World Wide Web Consortium

Hi Richard, this is Camille. I went to a conference in Santiago with my dad Alex Foessel and then we all went to our farm together (that was quite some time ago). That is such a special memory for me. I really appreciate you and Isabel, for considering me so much during the whole event, you guys put up with all my curiosity. I would like to send you a big warm hug, you are so very memorable and made me so very happy the time we spent together.

Un abrazo,

-Camille Foessel


I've read some of these other letters, and it seems to me that we are all saying "I love you" in different ways. I'll say it simply - I love you.

Really, I can't think of a person I'd rather have dinner with, share drinks with, sit around a fire and talk about life with. You've touched so many people with your life and work, thank you.

Ad astra per aspera!

-David vun Kannon


We did not speak many times, but you always made an impression - especially as another Massachusetts-based tech professional.

Please know that your influence has been felt widely and that you have many people holding you and your family in your thoughts.


-Chris Rommel

Hi Richard,

I wanted to share how grateful I have been to connect with you over the years. I remember when I was just starting out writing about technology in the early 1990s how kind you were to take the time to really explain complicated stuff in a simple way. You always seemed to have the insight and patience to make the world a little brighter and bring so many different people together to cultivate collaboration.

Many blessings my friend.

-George Lawton

I remember the amazing times during the symbolics heyday.

-Bob Lamkin

I head about your health from visiting Dr. Jishnu Mukerji driving on my way down on a retirement trip to my cousin's in Florida, stopping in Cocoa Beach. I meant to write then. Richard, you made my short stint at the OMG quite a pleasure, and always enjoyed talking with you. I was always amazed how a PhD could make money at this, where I could laughingly not. :^) Yet, every meeting was a great trip, and quite memorable, both professionally and with craziness. And, want to relay to you that I had a conversation with Chris Sluman last year and where he said we did some amazing work, and we made great contributions. I thoroughly believe that statement, and it was because of you and your continuing vision. Thanks for everything! The OMG was a short, but positive and outrageous mark on my career and life, which still haunts me today! I wish you greatness in your continuing journey. I **shall** remember you always.

-Polar Humenn


I would like to thank you for all your help, not only for your insights into UML and MDD research, but also for expanding my network of diverse experts. You also wrote a letter of recommendation when I was appointed as an IBM Distinguished Engineer. After I moved to Microsoft, we had the opportunity to meet several times at the IIC in Hannover Messe. I remember talking with you for a long time in the airport lounge in Hannover, where I happened to be.

I am very proud to have spent a lot of my time as an IT architect in a job related to yours. Thank you.

My thoughts and best wishes for you and your family.

-Akira Sakakibara

Richard -

I wanted to let you know I'm still praying for you and your family. I will never forget meeting you back in 2001 as you graced the Joint Tactical Radio Systems (JTRS)Conference room, and we mapped out way to build the Software Communication Architecture (SCA) standard that changed the world. With your leadership at OMG, you amassed a team that created a standard in 12 months providing a capability to the warfighters that was later on passed onto space programs and the commercial world. Most recently, that standard was transformed into the Space Telecommunications Interface (STI) standard and is under consideration for a new 32 satellite program.

The other great memory I have that we shared was when I met you in Dubia and took you up to visit the Muslim Museaum in Sharjah and discussing me joining OMG (something that I never anticipated). It's been a great time and appreciate your friendship and getting to know Isabel and Alexander. Hoping to meet Micheline someday.

Your and your family's friend,

-Steve MacLaird

Dear Richard,

You have been so very generous with your time, intellect, and friendship. Your strategic guidance directly benefitted our MGH MD PnP program in our mission to improve patient care. You are one of the great examples of the "connector archetype". I still fondly remember dinner at your house with your family and guests, at which you were building connections and sharing ideas. (And always appreciated your birthday emails.)

I'm sorry I never made it to your vila south of the equator!


-Julian Goldman

Dear Richard

Its been 30+ years that we have worked together in this industry going back to my days at MITRE and joining the OMG (I think that was 1991!). It really had an impact on me including writing two books based on CORBA and changing my architectural perspective. Probably my funniest memory was when we both were speaking at that Gartner conference in the late 90s. People would get the two of us mixed up in discussions all week. We both were younger and i had hair back then on the top of my head as you did as well. I guess tall guys with mustaches all look alike. I have many wonderful memories with you of pushing the industry and trying to standardize the tech world. Your legacy is quite amazing and something to be proud of. I think for both of us the real pride comes in our children and seeing them succeed. Those are the memories that i think we cherish the most.

Best wishes to you and your family,

-Bill Ruh

Your contributions and leadership in the tech world are legendary. But the things I remember the most are your booming laugh, your cheeky grin, your staggering brainpower, how proud you were of your kids, and your generosity. You were always willing to hop on a call at a moment’s notice and provide advice and direction. Your help and friendship when I was just starting out as an Executive Director was incredibly helpful and greatly appreciated.

I miss running into you in hotels and airports around the world, The only guy I know who truly kicked my butt on the frequent flyer miles.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

With deepest respect and affection,

-Mike Milinkovich

Dearest Richard,

Wishing you comfort and peace in managing your health concerns. You are an inspiration to us in how to treat one another amongst colleagues and how to challenge ourselves to deliver the best results in all that we do both in business and or personal lives.

May God Bless you and your family.


-George Barakat

Dear Dr. Richard Mark Soley,

Your remarkable contributions to the technical community have inspired countless individuals, leaving an indelible mark on the world of technology. Learning of your transition to hospice care fills us with deep emotion. Your legacy is immeasurable and your impact profound.

Our thoughts and warmest wishes are with you during this time. We're keeping you in our prayers, hoping for comfort and peace.

If you'll permit me, I'd like to share a source of solace that has brought light to many lives. Through Jesus Christ, we find a connection to the Creator who shaped you and me. Embracing Him can bring a sense of joy and hope to your heart.

Wishing you strength and serenity. Please let me know if it's possible to get on a phone call with you and pray together for 3 minutes.

With Regards

-Sam John, Chief Growth Officer, Innoart Technologies

hi RIchard

Thinking of you, and I appreciate your contribution to our rich shared knowledge over many year: you gave greatly to many of us, All sorts of things would never be without your achievements.

I also want to thank you both for personal advice and direction you gave to me, and also for the wonderful story you shared with me about Steve Jobs - "Hi, I'm Steve Jobs".. I thought about that a lot over the years. And the regular birthday greetings - amazing what you did for us all.

You have my thoughts and prayers as your journey continues,

-Grahame Grieve


For the last 25 years or so, my career has been largely defined through my work with OMG. I was lucky you had already been building it for 10 years before I got involved. And so much has been, and continues to be, achieved by this organization you led so well.

Of course, years earlier, you were still at MIT while I was an undergrad there. So, while I don't have any specific memory of it, I like to think that, perhaps, our paths crossed there some time, though I don't have any specific memory of it. I do, at least, remember sitting in Arvind's office talking to him about my interest in functional programming, so perhaps you were around (and maybe Ivar, too!). And I just found out that you were maintaining Emacs at the time. As a heavy user of Emacs back then, thanks for that, for sure! ðŸ™,

When my wife and I were in Barcelona last month, Bill suggested we have dinner at Los Caracoles, which he said was one of your favorites. We did, and enjoyed it a lot. I thought about you, the years of OMG meetings, the good (and sometimes no so good!) food, our shared enjoyment of a certain sense of humor.

And you are still in all our thoughts.

-Ed Seidewitz

Dear Richard,

It has been quite a few years since we’ve spoken. I enjoyed working with as I was building out our IoT cluster. I always looked up to your work as a shining example of what I might be able to accomplish.

You were such a help to me and I am so happy to know you.

Warmest regards,

-Sara Fraim

This is why alchemy exists," the boy said.

"So that everyone will search for his treasure, find it, and then want to be better than he was in his former life. Lead will play its role until the world has no further need for lead; and then lead will have to turn itself into gold.

That's what alchemists do. They show that, when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too."

― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Richards family can be proud of the things he made better for all.

Dear Richard,

It's hard to believe that we have known each other now for almost 30 years. During tbis time, our careers have intertwined over, and I am forever grateful for the collaborative support you always offered to many of the conferences and events spanning several industries that you and OMG were asked to participate in.

I wish you and your family well.

Warm regards,

-Eliot Weinman

Dear Richard,

I, and I think the whole OMG family, is so much missing you in the OMG universe. Being almost 23 years with OMG I learned to value your sharp thoughts and sense of humor. How come this reminds me of John Cleese? :-)

One of my most remindable meetings with you was in 2008 when you and your family visited Berlin. You invetd me and my family together to visit the Bundestag and we had a wonderful afternoon to chat and learn each other.

It was a pleasure working with you for such a long time. You inspired me so much and working with OMG changed my thinking and life!

All the best to you and your family.

-Uwe Kaufmann (co-chair OMG ManTIS DTF)

Dear Richard,

I want you to know the immeasurable value you hold for me and so many others. Your sense of humor, your intelligence, and your warmth have always been a source of inspiration for me. You have the unique quality of making feel important everyone around you and to make everyone believe and make the most of them.

I will always remember the first day I met you in a restaurant in Boston where we discussed the option of developing an IOT event and how you believed in me. This gave me the strength to go for it. And I have to thank you those days working together with you and Bill which are the ones I have enjoyed more in my working live.

Working together with you also allowed me to know you better and develop a very valuable friendship.

Family gatherings and celebrations like the 4th of July at your home are precious memories I hold dear. Your ability to bring us together and create special moments has been a gift to all of us, and I eagerly await the upcoming events we'll share when you recover.

If you need anything, I'm here for you. We all look forward to the day when you can reunite with us and share your joy and laughter.

Many hugs and best wishes.

With affection,

-Roger Bou


I was deeply saddened to hear about the challenging time you're currently facing. I fondly recall the meaningful experience we shared when we embarked on a trip to Chile to participate in workshops and presentations on the mining industry. Your invaluable insights and passionate commitment to standardization left a lasting impact on all of us.

Even after our time in Chile, I continued my research and development work in the field of MBSE. I was genuinely touched when you remembered me during our encounters at the OMG and IIC meetings. Your unwavering dedication and leadership in the realm of standardization have made a significant difference, and your contributions are greatly appreciated. Wishing you strength and peace as you navigate this journey.

-Hisashi Miyashtia


Your caring and constancy kept our startups alive for many years. We have so much to thank you for . You touched so many others. You created a wonderful legacy.

-MRk Eisner

Dear Richard,

The standards world has rarely been inhabited by anyone approaching your towering intelligence. But I'm tempted to say, as you probably might, that intelligence sits far behind three other characteristics that make a true citizen of the world: wit, cultivation and humour, all of which we will remember you for. Your presence is sorely missed, but not as much as your hilarious dinner table conversation. Thanks for all you brought to our world.

-Thomas Beale

Dear Richard,

In Nursing 5111 I am studying Palliative & End-of-Life Care, so I am very glad that you are in that program; so much better than the alternative.

Blessed Love my friend; we had a good run together; we changed the world for the better.

Best Regards,

-Tom Mowbray


I want to thank you for your many contributions to the technology industry and to me in particular. I have the highest respect not only for your professional expertise but also for your ethical behavior. You have always maintained the highest standards (that is meant to be an ironical reference). You probably don't realize the positive impact you have had on so many people, myself included. I have to include a comment about your sense of humor. It tempers everything you do. I have to admit that sometimes it is also groan inducing. We shared many good times together and it is hard to single out only one. I particularly remember a dinner we shared in Osaka, Japan. It was my first visit to that country but you felt completely at home with the cuisine and made me feel the same. I can't leave out the time you and I spent with Said and David B. creating a set of data governance best practices. It has stood the test of time and I have used it on many occasions since.

Best Regards,

-David Saul