DATE: Tuesday, March 21, 2023
TIME: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm EDT
PLACE: Hyatt Regency Town Center, Reston, VA (Washington, DC area)
Single/Double Occupancy: USD$259 (+ 12% state & local taxes)
As long as limited standard rooms last
FORMAT:Hybrid (Online & Onsite)
LUNCH: Not Included
CONTACT: [email protected]
Agenda Register HOTEL DISCOUNT
The OMG is proud to host DevOps/DevSecOps Standards Information Day, where key stakeholders will speak and participate in a panel discussion to address various areas that will facilitate OMG identifying the focus of future standards in this area. We will discuss what currently exists and explore how standards could help this market space and to engage influential organizations to get involved and guide standards in the DevSecOps arena to improve the state of practice, integration, interoperability, and understanding across the industry.
DevSecOps Background: System development has embraced practices and processes to continuously develop, integrate, deploy, and operate software capabilities and services - typically called DevOps. These practices require automated tools and technologies to streamline the processing pipeline and advance the pace and quality of information systems. Many domains (including banking, medical, military, government, and others) require higher levels of security and safety incorporated into their DevOps practices. They integrate enhanced security as well as safety assessments and testing into those practices, thereby coining the term DevSecOps. The principles and practices of DevSecOps are generally understood. However, there are few technical standards to aid with portability or interoperability among implementations.
During the event we will explore the areas of standardization and tooling that would provide the most benefit to this critical market. This will enable the standards and the technical community to focus its efforts on establishing technology and architecture standards of the highest value in this area.