Artificial Intelligence Standards

The Increasing Maturity of AI

OMG Hot Topic: Artificial Intelligence Standards

The time has come for defining standards in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Such standards will greatly accelerate and improve the creation of useful AI applications by reducing the amount of low-level interchange, integration, or interfacing work currently required.

The OMG is therefore establishing an initiative in AI standardization. OMG is the best place for industry, academia, government and non-profit organizations to come together to define such standards, because of its seminal work in knowledge representations, ontology and robotics, as well as the best practices it has developed over the last thirty years and can easily extend to this new scope of work.

In defining its strategy toward AI standards, OMG considered the following:

  • An expanded scope of AI has emerged from the renaissance of the discipline since the beginning of the millennium. AI now reaches into many domains and integrates new technologies such as ontologies, vision recognition, analytics and machine learning for the industrial IoT, and more.
  • When a technology area reaches a certain degree of maturity, standards can enable innovation—rather than impede it—by freeing organizations from having to constantly worry about the "plumbing" of systems or re-inventing platform techniques and tools.
  • OMG is uniquely placed to lead this effort because it has a proven process, it has developed a series of foundational capabilities that can bootstrap the effort, and it covers many industry domains that can benefit from AI standards.

AI has matured and its successful application can be enhanced by the development and adoption of standards. OMG has the capability and motivation to successfully expand its activities in this domain. We encourage the AI community—industry, academia, government and non-profit organizations—from all domains and regions to get involved in this effort by contacting us, participating in our AI-related activities and events, and joining OMG to take an active role.


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