Linked Encrypted Transaction Streams (LETS)

Linked Encrypted Transaction Streams (LETS)

Linked Encrypted Transaction Streams (LETS)

A proposed new standard from Object Management Group, Linked Encrypted Transaction Streams (LETS), would define methods for encrypting and linking transactions into ordered structures (streams) with control over who can access that information. Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technology, IPFS, distributed file systems and other Distributed Immutable Data Objects (DIDO) ecosystems would all benefit from improved business workflows and IoT data access control via contextual messaging within this class of distributed messaging applications.

The Object Management Group recently issued a Request for Proposal in regard to creating this new standard that would exist independent of any underlying Blockchain or Distributed Ledger protocol.  In particular, the RFP solicits specifications for the following:

  • Linking methods for arranging transactions into ordered structures, or 'streams'
  • Methods for applying encryption and digital signing to transaction elements, transaction streams or parts of transaction streams
  • Optionally methods for extending the semantics of the relationships among message in linked transaction streams

OMG members who wish to respond to the RFP have until Feb. 9, 2021 to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI).  The initial RFP submission deadline is May 17, 2021.

Read RFP

 Updated Linked Encryption Streams (LETS) RFP with change bars



Linked Encryption Transaction Streams (LETS) January 27, 11 am ET



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