Unified Architecture Framework

Describe enterprise architectures using a Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach

Unified Architecture Framework

The need for architecture-based decision making has never been more important. Industry, government, and DoD are driving toward implementing architecture enabled digital engineering transformation. This transformation provides the means to connect information across and within enterprises.

The Unified Architecture Framework® (UAF®) is a generic and commercially orientated architecture framework based on the Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF™ (UPDM™). UAF defines ways of representing an enterprise architecture that enables stakeholders to focus on specific areas of interest in the enterprise while retaining sight of the big picture. UAF meets the specific business, operational and systems-of-systems integration needs of commercial and industrial enterprises as well as the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and other defense organizations.

UAF Profile (UAFP) enables the extraction of specified and custom views from an integrated architecture description (AD) in support of a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach. The views describe a system from a set of stakeholders' concerns such as security or information. The UAFP specification supports the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF), the Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF), Security Views from Canada's Department of National Defense Architecture Framework (DNDAF) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Architecture Framework (NAF).


UAF Profile supports the capability to:

  • Model architectures for a broad range of complex systems, which may include hardware, software, data, personnel, and facility elements;
  • Model consistent architectures for system-of-systems (SoS) down to lower levels of design and implementation;
  • Support the analysis, specification, design, and verification of complex systems;
  • Support cybersecurity analysis, specification, and mitigation of security risks from a system/infrastructure perspective and to aggregate the impact analysis to the operational perspective and cybersecurity risks' impact on the mission;
  • Improve the ability to exchange architecture information among related tools that are SysML based and tools that are based on other standards

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