OMG Cross-Participation Policy

OMG Cross-Participation Policy

This document sets out the Object Management Group® (OMG®)'s policy on cross-participation between three sister programs: Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance (AREA), Digital Twin Consortium (DTC) and OMG Standards Development Organization (SDO).

Cross-participation allows a member of one program to participate in limited activities of a sister program of which it is not a member. The goals of this policy are to:

  • Encourage work between OMG programs.
  • Leverage expertise, talent and energy.
  • Provide a new valuable member benefit.

Policy guidelines:

  • A paying member in good standing of any of the five programs may designate representative(s) to attend regular meetings of one defined working group of another program, not including working group sessions held during quarterly member meetings.
  • Each OMG program operates under its own rules. Therefore, participant member representative(s) must sign a Non-Member Contribution and License Agreement (NCLA) to participate in the sister program.
  • The limit on the number of participants from a member's organization is determined by membership category. Participation must also be approved by the Steering Committee or Board of Directors of the program of which they are a member. Please see the Cross-Participation Representative Allowance by Membership Levels description.

How the policy works:

  • Only paying members in good standing qualify for the approved number of cross-participant seats.
  • The Primary Contact of the member company must submit the request on behalf of participating individual
  • When engaged in cross-participation, each representative agrees to the rules of membership of the sister organization.
  • Participating individual(s) will be provided with guest access to one defined working group of the sister organization.  Additional access requires a separate application.

Cross participation allows the participating individual to:

  • Collaborate with members of the defined working group in the sister program.
  • Access the working group's member area dashboard to view documents, meeting minutes, and calendars.
  • Join the group's mailing list.
  • Attend the weekly/bi-weekly/monthly working meetings of the group of the sister program in which they will be participating.
  • Participate in creating deliverables, such as the opportunity to co-author technical documents, white papers, etc. (All deliverables require a member company representative as lead author).
  • Receive recognition as a "Non-Member" Contributor on deliverables that they have co-authored.

Cross participation does not provide:

  • Member access beyond the agreed group(s) for cross-participation.
  • Ability to lead or co-chair any group of the sister program.
  • Voting rights of any kind.
  • Eligibility for any elected leadership positions in the sister program.
  • Marketing benefits of the sister program, including posting of company-created documents to the website, speaker's bureau participation, analyst interviews, quotes or naming in promotional materials, webcasts and marketing materials of deliverables or events.
  • Recognition on the member listing of the sister program website.
  • Attendance at the working group sessions held during quarterly member meetings.

Cross-Participation Representative Allowance by Membership Level

The tables below describe the cross-participation allowances allocated to members. Cross Participant Seats can be used on a group by group basis within the various programs of OMG. These seats could be used in one group or spread across groups in these programs. One seat cannot be used to join multiple groups or programs.

Digital Twin Consortiu
Member Dues Membership Level
$150K Founder / Contributing 3
$50K $200M+ 2
$25K $50M - $200M 1
$10K $5M - $50M 1
$7.5K Govt N/A
$5K <$5M N/A
$2.5K University / Non-profit N/A
0/1 year $0 Revenue / Start Up N/A
cross-participation request form
Object Management Group (the SDO)
Member Dues Membership Level
$21.5K - $75K Contributing 2
$11K Contributing 1
$21.5K - $37.5K Domain/Platform 2
$5.5K - $11K Domain/Platform 1
$21K Influencing 2
$5.5K - $11K Influencing 1
$3K Influencing (Invitation Only) 1
$12.5K Government 1
$5K Retail (Invitation Only) 1
$2,150 Trial (Invitation Only) 1
$500 University (Invitation Only) 1
cross-participation request form
Member Dues Membership Level
$30K Sponsor ($1B +) 2
$25K Sponsor ($500M-$1B) 1
$20K Sponsor ($50M-$500M) 1
$15K Sponsor ($5M-$50M) 1
$15K Contributor ($1B+) 1
$12K Contributor ($500M to $1B) 1
$10K Sponsor (up to $5M) 1
$10K Contributor ($50M - $500M) 1
$8K Contributor ($5M - $50M) 1
$5K Contributor (under $5M) N/A
$3K Academic /Non-Commercial N/A
$3K Affiliate N/A
cross-participation request form

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

OMG staff can facilitate cross-participation benefits in some circumstances without the express permission of the primary. Please contact Administrative Services, so that we can contact the primary representative to inform them that you are availing of your organizations' benefit.

That member may choose to add three representatives to:

  • a group in one program or
  • three different groups in one program or
  • split across several groups in several programs.

Three cross-participants does not equal three on one group/program, followed by three in another group / program, and three in another. It is three groups in total, spread across the programs of the OMG.

Yes. You can be listed as a non-member contributor to the deliverables of a program in which you are cross-participating. However, you will not be mentioned in any promotional materials, webpages, etc. which are associated with the deliverable.

No, participation in these events is limited to members of a program.

No, voting is limited to members of a program.

No, all leadership positions, including chairing groups and Steering Committee / Board of Directors are limited to members of a program.

Any changes to the cross-participant seats need to be made via a request from the Primary to Administrative Services. If a cross-participant leaves an organization, the primary is responsible for contacting Administrative Services to notify them of the change. Any cross-participant who has left a member organization, but still accesses an OMG repository with their old credentials will be seen to be representing the member, unless Administrative Services are notified of this change.

No, so long as your organization is a member in good-standing, you are eligible to avail of the cross-participation benefits associated with your membership level.