XTCE US Government Satellite Conformance Profile™ (XUSP™)

Conformance Profile for US Government Satellites

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XTCE US Government Satellite Conformance Profile™ (XUSP™) defines a subset of XTCE™ that was originally referred to as GovSat before it was formalized and published as an OMG specification. By agreeing on a common subset of exchange fields, a higher percentage of telemetry and command definitions can be interchanged between different ground systems with no development costs.

This specification addresses the need for a subset of XTCE 1.1 for United States of America (USA) missions that are CCSDS compliant.

Missions with the following telemetry and command features will find this specialization applicable:

  • Uses the CCSDS packet format
  • Supports packet identification using from one to four items
  • Supports some or all the following data types in telemetry and command: integer, float, string, enumeration, array and structure
  • Supports three-levels of alarms/limits
  • Supports polynomial calibration with no more than 10 terms
  • Supports linear calibration with no more than 100 points.


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