Cloud Customer Architecture for e-Commerce

Cloud Customer Architecture for e-Commerce describes how to support e-Commerce solutions using cloud computing. The reference architecture contains a detailed view of the components, subcomponents and relationships for a cloud-based e-Commerce solution.
This paper describes the flows and relationships between business capabilities and architectural components for e-Commerce applications that use cloud computing infrastructure, platforms and/or services. The elements of the architecture are used to instantiate an e-Commerce system using private, public, or hybrid cloud deployment models. Applications comprising the core components may be delivered as a service, from on-premises, or hosted.
A runtime scenario is outlined with deployment considerations.
This paper was published by the Cloud Standards Customer Council, a program launched by the OMG in 2011 to advance the adoption of cloud computing. This work is now under the purview of the OMG Cloud Working Group. Copyright is owned by OMG. Visit to learn more.