Systems Engineering

System Engineering

Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is "the formalized application of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification and validation activities beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout development and later life cycle phases." MBSE has become a primary focus for improving the practice of systems engineering and enabling it to scale with system complexity.

You can find information on some of these MBSE related activities can be found on the MBSE Wiki

The OMG in conjunction with the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) has led the way in helping to establish modeling standards that are essential enablers of MBSE, beginning with the formulation of the OMG Systems Engineering Special Interest Group (SE DSIG). In particular, the SE DSIG developed the requirements for the OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML), and initiated the effort for developing the Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF (UPDM). Both of these standards were later adopted by OMG and have become broadly recognized standards for systems and enterprise modeling, respectively. The OMG provides many other standards that support system development across the lifecycle, such as the UML Testing Profile (UTP), the Requirements Interchange Format (RegIF), and the Software and Systems Process Engineering Meta-Model (SPEM) specification.

The practice of MBSE and the supporting modeling standards continue to evolve to meet the needs of ever increasing system complexity. Refer to INCOSE's Systems Engineering Vision 2025 to get insight into the future directions of systems engineering, and the role that modeling will play.



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