Practical Guide to Cloud Service Agreements V3.0

The Practical Guide to Cloud Service Agreements was written to help enterprise information technology (IT) and business decision makers analyze cloud service agreements (CSAs) from different cloud service providers.
CSAs are written to set clear expectations for service between the cloud customer (buyer) and the cloud provider (seller), but should also exist between a customer and other cloud entities, such as the cloud carrier, the cloud broker and even the cloud auditor. This guide focuses primarily on the CSA details between the cloud customer and cloud provider.
The “Guide for Evaluating Cloud Service Agreements” section is the heart of the paper. It provides a prescriptive series of steps that cloud customers should take to evaluate CSAs in order to compare multiple cloud providers or to negotiate terms with a selected provider.
This paper was published by the Cloud Standards Customer Council, a program launched by the OMG in 2011 to advance the adoption of cloud computing. This work is now under the purview of the OMG Cloud Working Group. Copyright is owned by OMG. Visit to learn more.