The "acronym" link navigates to the latest version of the specification, this link changes whenever a new version of the specification is published.
The "Version" link navigates to the specific version.

Name Acronym Version Status Publication Date
Total: 9
Command and Control Message Specification C2MS 1.0 formal November 2019
Computer Aided Design Services CAD 1.2 formal January 2005
CubeSat System Reference Model Profile CSRM 1.1 beta beta March 2024
OMG Systems Modeling Language SysML® 1.7 formal June 2024
Risk Analysis and Assessment Modeling Language RAAML 1.0 beta 2 beta March 2022
Space Telecommunications Interface STI 1.0 formal August 2024
Unified Modeling Language UML® 2.4.1 formal July 2011
XML Metadata Interchange XMI® 2.5.1 formal June 2015
XTCE US Govt Satellite Conformance Profile XUSP™ 1.0 formal May 2015