The "acronym" link navigates to the latest version of the specification, this link changes whenever a new version of the specification is published.
The "Version" link navigates to the specific version.

Name Acronym Version Status Publication Date
Total: 15
ADA Language Mapping ADA 1.3 formal May 2010
Additional Structuring Mechanisms for OTS OTS 1.1 formal January 2005
Automated Source Code Quality Measures ASCQM 1.1 formal July 2022
CORBA Embedded CORBAe 1.0 formal November 2008
Data Distribution Service DDS™ 1.4 formal March 2015
Data Distribution Service + Data Local Reconstruction Layer DDS-DLRL™ 1.4 formal May 2015
Data Parallel Processing DPP™ 1.0 formal January 2006
Enhanced View of Time EVoT™ 1.2 formal October 2004
IDL4 to C# Language Mapping IDL4-CSHARP 1.0 formal April 2022
IDL4 to Java Language Mapping IDL4-Java 1.0 formal June 2022
Lightweight Services LtSVC™ 1.0 formal October 2004
Online Upgrades ONUP™ 1.0 formal January 2008
REST for CORBA CORBA-REST 1.0 formal September 2023
Real-time CORBA RT 1.2 formal January 2005
Software Fault Pattern Metamodel SFPM 1.0 formal August 2024