The "acronym" link navigates to the latest version of the specification, this link changes whenever a new version of the specification is published.
The "Version" link navigates to the specific version.

Name Acronym Version Status Publication Date
Total: 11
Automated Source Code Quality Measures ASCQM 1.1 formal July 2022
CubeSat System Reference Model Profile CSRM 1.1 beta beta March 2024
DDS Consolidated JSON Syntax DDS-JSON 1.0 formal February 2021
DDS Consolidated XML Syntax DDS-XML 1.0 formal December 2018
DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol DDSI-RTPS™ 2.5 formal April 2022
IDL to C++11 Language Mapping CPP11 1.7 formal January 2024
IDL4 to C# Language Mapping IDL4-CSHARP 1.0 formal April 2022
IDL4 to Java Language Mapping IDL4-Java 1.0 formal June 2022
Risk Analysis and Assessment Modeling Language RAAML 1.1 beta beta June 2024
Structured Assurance Case Metamodel SACM™ 2.2 formal June 2021
Unified Component Model for Distributed, Real-Time and Embedded Systems UCM 1.3 formal October 2022