The "acronym" link navigates to the latest version of the specification, this link changes whenever a new version of the specification is published.
The "Version" link navigates to the specific version.

Name Acronym Version Status Publication Date
Total: 29
Additional Structuring Mechanisms for OTS OTS 1.1 formal January 2005
Alert Management Service ALMAS 1.2 formal August 2023
Application Instrumentation APP-INST 1.0 formal May 2016
Command and Control Interface for Navigation Systems C2INAV 1.1 formal November 2023
Common Object Request Broker Architecture CORBA® 3.4 formal February 2021
DDS Consolidated JSON Syntax DDS-JSON 1.0 formal February 2021
DDS Consolidated XML Syntax DDS-XML 1.0 formal December 2018
DDS Extensions for Time Sensitive Networking DDS-TSN 1.0 beta beta April 2023
DDS For Extremely Resource Constrained Environments DDS-XRCE 1.0 formal February 2020
DDS For Lightweight CCM DDS4CCM™ 1.1 formal February 2012
DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol DDSI-RTPS™ 2.5 formal April 2022
DDS Security DDS-SECURITY™ 1.2 formal June 2024
Data Distribution Service DDS™ 1.4 formal March 2015
Data Distribution Service + Data Local Reconstruction Layer DDS-DLRL™ 1.4 formal May 2015
Extensible and Dynamic Topic Types for DDS DDS-XTypes™ 1.3 formal February 2020
IDL to C++11 Language Mapping CPP11 1.7 formal January 2024
IDL4 to C# Language Mapping IDL4-CSHARP 1.0 formal April 2022
IDL4 to Java Language Mapping IDL4-Java 1.0 formal June 2022
ISO/IEC C++ 2003 Language DDS PSM DDS-PSM-Cxx 1.0 formal November 2013
Interface Definition Language IDL 4.2 formal March 2018
Java 5 Language PSM for DDS DDS-Java 1.0 formal November 2013
OPC-UA/DDS Gateway DDS-OPCUA 1.0 formal January 2020
REST for CORBA CORBA-REST 1.0 formal September 2023
RPC Over DDS DDS-RPC 1.0 formal April 2017
Robotic Technology Component RTC 1.1 formal September 2012
TACSIT DATA EXCHANGE TEX 1.1 formal August 2024
Tactical Decision Aids Interface TDAI 1.0 formal March 2024
Unified Component Model for Distributed, Real-Time and Embedded Systems UCM 1.3 formal October 2022
Web-Enabled DDS DDS-WEB 1.0 formal February 2016