The "acronym" link navigates to the latest version of the specification, this link changes whenever a new version of the specification is published.
The "Version" link navigates to the specific version.

Name Acronym Version Status Publication Date
Total: 19
Common Object Request Broker Architecture CORBA® 3.2 formal October 2011
Decision Model and Notation DMN™ 1.5 formal August 2024
Interaction Flow Modeling Language IFML™ 1.0 formal February 2015
Interface Definition Language IDL 4.2 formal March 2018
MOF Model to Text Transformation Language MOFM2T™ 1.0 formal January 2008
MOF Query/View/Transformation QVT™ 1.3 formal June 2016
Meta Object Facility MOF™ 2.5.1 formal October 2016
Metamodel Extension Facility MEF 1.0 formal September 2021
OMG Systems Modeling Language SysML® 1.7 formal June 2024
Precise Semantics for Uncertainty Modeling PSUM 1.0 beta 2 beta June 2024
Satellite Operations Language Metamodel SOLM™ 1.0 formal November 2012
Service Oriented Architecture Modeling Language SoaML® 1.0.1 formal May 2012
Software & Systems Process Engineering Metamodel SPEM™ 2.0 formal April 2008
SysML Extension for Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation SysPhS 1.1 formal May 2021
UML Profile for MARTE MARTE 1.3 formal August 2024
UML Profile for Voice-based Applications VOICP™ 1.0 formal April 2008
UML Testing Profile 2 UTP2 2.2 formal August 2024
Unified Modeling Language UML® 2.4.1 formal July 2011
XML Metadata Interchange XMI® 2.5.1 formal June 2015