The "acronym" link navigates to the latest version of the specification, this link changes whenever a new version of the specification is published.
The "Version" link navigates to the specific version.

Name Acronym Version Status Publication Date
Total: 26
APIs for Knowledge Platforms API4KP 1.0 formal August 2024
Business Architecture Core Metamodel BACM 1.0 formal August 2024
CubeSat System Reference Model Profile CSRM 1.1 beta beta March 2024
Decision Model and Notation DMN™ 1.5 formal August 2024
Diagram Definition DD™ 1.1 formal August 2015
FACE Profile for UAF FACE 1.0 formal April 2023
Kernel Modeling Language KerML 1.0 beta 2 beta April 2024
MOF to RDF Mapping MOF2RDF 1.0 formal September 2021
OMG System Modeling Language SysML® 2.0 beta 2 beta April 2024
Ontology Definition Metamodel ODM™ 1.1 formal September 2014
Quality of Service for CCM QOSCCM™ 1.1 formal September 2008
Risk Analysis and Assessment Modeling Language RAAML 1.0 beta 2 beta March 2022
Semantics Of Business Vocabulary And Rules SBVR™ 1.5 beta beta October 2019
Semantics of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models FUML™ 1.5 formal June 2021
Shared Data Model and Notation SDMN 1.0 beta 2 beta June 2024
Space Telecommunications Interface STI 1.0 formal August 2024
Structured Assurance Case Metamodel SACM™ 2.3 formal October 2023
SysML Extension for Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation SysPhS 1.1 formal May 2021
Systems Modeling API and Services SystemsModelingAPI 1.0 beta 2 beta April 2024
Tactical Decision Aids Interface TDAI 1.0 formal March 2024
UML Profile for BPMN Processes BPMNProfile™ 1.0 formal July 2014
UML Testing Profile 2 UTP2 2.2 formal August 2024
Unified Architecture Framework UAF 1.2 formal July 2022
Unified Modeling Language UML® 2.4.1 formal July 2011
Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF UPDM™ 2.1.1 formal May 2017
XML Metadata Interchange XMI® 2.5.1 formal June 2015