The "acronym" link navigates to the latest version of the specification, this link changes whenever a new version of the specification is published.
The "Version" link navigates to the specific version.

Name Acronym Version Status Publication Date
Total: 109
Alert Management Service ALMAS 1.1 formal May 2020
Asynchronous Method Invocation for CCM AMI4CCM™ 1.1 formal August 2015
Archetype Modeling Language AML 1.0 formal March 2018
Application Management and System Monitoring AMSM 1.1 formal November 2010
Application Instrumentation APP-INST 1.0 formal May 2016
Air Traffic Control ATC 1.0 formal May 2000
Audio/Video Streams AVSTR 1.0 formal January 2000
Business Architecture Core Metamodel BACM 1.0 formal August 2024
Business Motivation Model BMM 1.3 formal April 2015
Business Process Definition Metamodel BPDM 1.0 formal November 2008
Business Process Maturity Model BPMM 1.0 formal June 2008
Business Process Model and Notation BPMN™ 2.0.2 formal January 2014
UML Profile for BPMN Processes BPMNProfile™ 1.0 formal July 2014
Bibliographic Query Service BQS 1.0 formal May 2002
Biomolecular Sequence Analysis BSA 1.0 formal June 2001
Command and Control Message Specification C2MS 1.0 formal November 2019
Computer Aided Design Services CAD 1.2 formal January 2005
CORBA Component Model CCM™ 4.0 formal March 2006
Clinical Decision Support Service CDSS 1.0 formal June 2011
Case Management Model and Notation CMMN™ 1.1 formal December 2016
Clinical Observation Access Service COAS 1.0 formal April 2001
Chemical Structure and Access Representation CSAR 1.0 formal January 2007
CubeSat System Reference Model Profile CSRM 1.1 beta beta March 2024
Currency Service CURR 1.0 formal June 2000
Dependability Assurance Framework For Safety-Sensitive Consumer Devices DAF™ 1.0 formal February 2016
Data Acquisition from Industrial Systems DAIS 1.1 formal June 2005
Decision Model and Notation DMN™ 1.5 formal August 2024
Distributed Simulation Systems DSS™ 2.0 formal November 2002
UML Profile for Enterprise Application Integration EAI™ 1.0 formal March 2004
FIBO Business Entities EDMC-FIBO/BE 1.1 formal January 2018
FIBO Financial Business And Commerce EDMC-FIBO/FBC 1.0 formal July 2017
FIBO Foundations EDMC-FIBO/FND 1.2 formal December 2017
FIBO Indices And Indicators EDMC-FIBO/IND 1.0 formal July 2017
UML Profile for Enterprise Distributed Object Computing EDOC™ 1.0 formal February 2004
Express Metamodel EXPRESS 1.1 formal May 2015
Financial Instrument Global Identifier® FIGI® 1.1 beta beta March 2024
Finite State Machine Component for RTC FSM4RTC 1.0 formal April 2016
Federal Transition Framework FTF 1.0 formal February 2009
Ground Equipment Monitoring Service GEMS™ 1.4 formal June 2016
Gene Expression GENE 1.1 formal October 2003
Genomic Maps GMAPS 1.0 formal February 2002
Hardware Abstraction Layer For Robotic Technology HAL4RT™ 1.0 beta beta January 2016
Historical Data Acquisition from Industrial Systems HDAIS 1.0 formal June 2005
OMG HData RESTful Transport Hdata 1.0 formal October 2013
Information Exchange Packaging Policy Vocabulary IEPPV™ 1.0 formal May 2015
IT Portfolio Management Facility ITPMF 1.0 formal April 2007
Identity Cross Reference Service IXS 1.0.1 formal May 2011
Laboratory Equipment Control Interface LECIS 1.0 formal March 2003
General Ledger LEDG 1.0 formal February 2001
Life Sciences Identifiers LIS 1.0 formal December 2004
Lexicon Query Service LQS 1.0 formal June 2000
Life Sciences Analysis Engine LSAE 1.0 formal November 2005
Macromolecular Structure MACSTR 1.0 formal May 2002
Model for Performance-driven Government MPG 1.0 formal December 2013
Negotiation Facility NEG 1.0 formal March 2002
UML Profile for NIEM NIEM-UML™ 3.0 formal April 2017
Open Architecture Radar Interface Standard OARIS™ 2.0 beta beta January 2021
Phenotype and Genotype Object Model PAGE-OM 1.0 formal July 2010
Party Management Facility PARTY 1.0 formal February 2001
P & C Data Model For Property And Casualty Insurance PC 1.0 formal October 2014
Product Data Management Enablers PDME™ 1.3 formal November 2000
Person Identification Service PIDS™ 1.1 formal April 2001
Public Key Infrastructure PKI 1.0 formal September 2002
Product Lifecycle Management Services PLM 2.1 formal May 2011
Pedigree and Provenance Model and Notation PPMN 1.0 beta beta December 2022
Production Rule Representation PRR 1.0 formal December 2009
Quality of Service for CCM QOSCCM™ 1.1 formal September 2008
Resource Access Decision RAD 1.0 formal April 2001
Requirements Interchange Format ReqIF™ 1.2 formal July 2016
Robotic Localization Service RLS™ 1.1 formal August 2012
Retrieve, Locate, and Update Service RLUS 1.0.1 formal July 2011
Records Management Service RMS™ 1.0 formal September 2011
Robotic Interaction Service RoIS™ 1.2 formal July 2018
Robotic Technology Component RTC 1.1 formal September 2012
Semantics Of Business Vocabulary And Business Rules SBVR™ 1.5 formal December 2019
Shared Data Model and Notation SDMN 1.0 beta 2 beta June 2024
Super Distributed Object SDO 1.1 formal October 2008
Software Radio Components SDRP™ 1.0 formal March 2007
Simplified Electronic Notation for Sensor Reporting SENSR 1.0 beta beta July 2020
Services Directory ServD™ 1.0 formal February 2014
Smart Transducers SMART 1.0 formal January 2003
PIM and PSM for Smart Antenna smartant 1.0 formal February 2009
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms SNP 1.0 formal November 2005
Satellite Operations Language Metamodel SOLM™ 1.0 formal November 2012
Shared Operational Picture Exchange Services SOPES™ 1.0 formal May 2011
Surveillance User Interface SURV™ 1.0 formal March 2003
SysML-Modelica Transformation SyM™ 1.0 formal November 2012
SysML Extension for Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation SysPhS 1.0 formal July 2018
TACSIT Controller Interface TCI™ 1.0 formal February 2013
UML Profile for Telecommunication Services TelcoML™ 1.0 formal July 2013
SES Management TelcoML Extension TelcoML-SES™ 1.0 formal August 2013
Test Information Interchange Formal TestIF 1.0 formal May 2015
TACSIT DATA EXCHANGE TEX 1.1 formal August 2024
Telecom Service & Access Subscription TSAS 1.0 formal December 2002
Task and Session TSKSES™ 1.0 formal May 2000
Unified Architecture Framework UAF 1.2 formal July 2022
Unified Component Model for Distributed, Real-Time and Embedded Systems UCM 1.3 formal October 2022
Utility Management Systems Data Access Facility UMS™ 2.0.1 formal June 2005
Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF UPDM™ 2.1.1 formal May 2017
Unified POS RCSD UPOS 1.16 beta beta April 2020
Value Delivery Modeling Language VDML™ 1.1 formal March 2018
Arts Xml Video Analytics VIDEOANALYTICS 1.0 formal January 2019
UML Profile for Voice-based Applications VOICP™ 1.0 formal April 2008
VSIPL VSIPL® 1.5 formal August 2014
VSIPL++ VSIPL++ 1.3 formal August 2014
Workflow Management Facility WfMF 1.2 formal May 2000
Web Services for Point of Sale WS-POS 1.3.1 beta 2 beta March 2019
XML Telemetric & Command Exchange Format XTCE™ 1.2 formal October 2018
XTCE US Govt Satellite Conformance Profile XUSP™ 1.0 formal May 2015